‘Hi, Layla.’ Graham looked at her, the flicker of a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Holding her hand up in a welcome, Layla fought to control the rush of self-consciousness flushing through her skin. She and Graham had decided to keep their kiss to themselves until they’d figured out where things were going and what they each wanted to happen. Seeing him again though, all she wanted to do was to run across to him and let him hold her as he’d done when they’d been packing up Elsie’s stall yesterday. Instead, she forced herself to turn to Diane. ‘I thought you and Harry were going to look at venues today?’

‘We are.’ Diane pulled her apron over her head. ‘I thought I’d come along anyway and help out with the first part of the morning. Harry will meet me here at about ten, then we’ll head to our first venue.’

‘Okay, thanks.’ Layla repositioned the bread baskets. ‘I bet you’re looking forward to seeing them and making a choice?’

‘Yes, I can’t wait.’

‘Now that’s an understatement.’ Graham chuckled. ‘It’s all you’ve spoken about since yesterday.’

‘Well, it’s a big deal. Me and Harry will remember this day for the rest of our lives.’ Diane raised her eyebrows at him. ‘And you’d better too, little bro-to-be!’

‘I will, I will.’ Graham held his hands up, palms forward. ‘I’m already salivating over the roast dinner and the biscoff cheesecake for dessert. I’m sure it’ll be a dinner I’ll never forget.’

Laughing, Diane threw an apron towards him, which he caught deftly. ‘Who said we were having cheesecake?’

‘That’s the only reason I’ve travelled all the way from Leeds. For the cheesecake.’ Graham kept his expression serious, the only tell-tale sign he was joking being the too familiar twitching of his lips.

‘Umm, you best be careful, or I’ll be persuading Graham to demote you from Best Man.’ Diane shook her head and grinned at him.

‘Oh, I didn’t know you were Best Man?’ Layla looked across at Graham.

He smiled. ‘I sure am.’

‘How’s everyone doing this morning?’ The kitchen door swung shut behind Elsie as she carried two trays brimming with doughnuts and sausage rolls through before stopping and shaking her head at Diane. ‘Now, I thought I told you to have the day off?’

‘I know, I know, but, hey, I can’t help it if I love this place, can I?’ Stepping forward, Diane took the trays from Elsie’s hands.

Elsie sighed. ‘I don’t want to see hair nor hide of you in here when you get back from visiting the venues, do you hear me? You’re to go home and spend the time talking to Harry and deciding.’

Diane nodded as she slid the trays into position behind the glass of the counter. ‘Deal.’

‘Good.’ Elsie turned to Graham and Layla.

‘THANK YOU. HAVE A NICE day.’ Layla took the money from the man in front of her and turned to the till, bumping up against Graham as she did so. ‘Sorry.’

‘No need to apologise.’ Graham smiled at her and stepped slightly away from the till, indicating for her to go first.

‘Thanks.’ Ringing up the total, Layla then dropped the coins into the drawer before stepping away.

‘I’m going to grab a coffee. Do you both want one?’ Diane looked at them.

‘Oh, yes, please.’ Layla nodded. Today she’d actually woken up in time to help Elsie and Teresa with the morning’s baking, an early morning which was hitting her now.

‘Do you really need to ask?’ Graham answered Diane before giving the change to his customers and waving them off.

‘Haha, no I don’t suppose I do.’ Diane slipped away from the counter and walked across towards Teresa at the coffee and cake counter. Half a dozen people were sitting reading the newspapers Elsie provided or chatting at the tables, but the counter was clear.

‘Wow, I don’t know about you but I’m finding this tough, not letting on to Diane what happened between us yesterday.’ Graham sidled up to her, his voice quiet.

‘Me too.’ She turned around to face him and leaned her back against the counter.

‘I guess we need to have a chat when she leaves to view the venues?’ Graham raked his fingers through his hair, his cheeks pinking a little.

Looking down at the floor, Layla nodded. She was pretty sure he felt the same way as her - the rubbing of her arm, the way he had spent all morning trying to catch her eye behind Diane’s back - but what if she’d got it wrong? What if it was all in her imagine like the whole Eli thing had been? Maybe she was just seeing things that weren’t there, feeling connections that he didn’t because she wanted there to be something between them?

‘You two look very cosy. Everything okay between you both?’ Diane laid a tray full of coffee mugs on the counter with a clunk, before passing them around.