‘You can?’

‘Yes, I can.’ She nodded. She felt daft having let Eli play her, keep her hanging on for more, but now she’d realised what he was doing, she was determined to leave him in the past. Maybe even to open her heart to someone else.

‘Well, glad to be of service. I think.’ He looked thoughtful.

‘Looks as though people are braving the cold at last.’ She nodded towards an influx of people milling around the marketplace.

‘Oh good. Maybe we’ll get this lot sold so we can get back to the warmth before that arrives.’ He indicated the sky.

Looking up, Layla groaned. Large black clouds were making their way towards them. ‘Let’s hope so.’

‘WOOHOO. TWO LITTLE cupcakes left. Now, shall we wait until we’ve sold them or pack up and treat ourselves on the drive home?’ Graham stretched his arms above his head.

Layla looked around. Two of the occupied stalls had already packed up and left and three more were in the process of loading their vans. ‘I say we start packing away and if someone comes over and buys them, then so be it. If they don’t, then we get a treat.’

‘Good idea.’ Graham began piling up the empty trays.

Layla watched him and grinned. She’d enjoyed today. It had been fun, he’d left the teasing aside and he’d shown a different side to himself. A more thoughtful side. He’d been understanding when they’d spoken about her life and the uncertainties of her future. She watched as he lifted the stack of trays with ease. She was sure she’d have been able to see his muscles if his coat wasn’t so thick. She shook her head. What was she thinking? She’d only woken up to the fact that Eli had never wanted anything more than friendship with her yesterday, and now she was staring at Graham, her stomach flipping when she caught his eye.

‘You okay? You look deep in thought.’ Graham walked back from the van.

‘Yep. I’m fine. Just thinking, that’s all.’

‘Oh yes? Care to share?’

‘Uh, no. It’s nothing.’ She looked down and began stacking the remaining trays as she felt the familiar prickle of embarrassment flicker across her cheeks. ‘I’ve enjoyed today though.’

‘You have? You’ve enjoyed standing out in the freezing cold, watching the rain clouds inch closer with every minute?’ His lips twitched as he held his arms out for the trays.

‘Haha, no, I mean I’ve enjoyed spending time with you. Talking to you.’

His face relaxed into a smile. ‘I’ve enjoyed spending time with you, too.’

She nodded as she took her hands away from the trays, Graham taking their weight, their eyes meeting. Turning quickly away, she walked across to the stall again and began bagging up the card reader, price list, and cashbox. It had been a successful day at the market despite the weather and threatening rain. With the bag packed, she picked it up.

‘I guess we’re taking these then.’

Turning, Layla felt the cool squishiness of icing against her cheek before she’d realised what had happened. She’d turned slap bang into the cupcakes Graham had picked up.

Letting out a loud guffaw, Graham put the cupcakes down and wiped his finger across her cheek.

His skin was warm against her cold cheek as he gently wiped away the icing. She opened her mouth to say something before closing it again. His face was just inches in front of hers, his breath tickling her skin. Meeting his eyes, she stood there, frozen to the spot. She watched as he leaned in closer, his lips touching hers. The hubbub of the marketplace quietened as she reached behind his neck, her fingers against his skin, drawing him closer. What were they doing?

Pulling away, Graham glanced at the floor before looking at her again. ‘Sorry, I’m not sure what came over me.’

She frowned. Hadn’t he meant to kiss her? Wanted to? Hadn’t he felt the electricity between them as she had?

He shook his head and smiled. ‘Now that came out the wrong way. I know what came over me, I just...’

Placing her finger against his lips, she grinned before leaning in closer to him again. This time, as their lips met, she felt his body relax and his arms wrap around her. He had meant it. He had felt it too. As she closed her eyes and let herself melt against him, it didn’t escape her that the reason she had been able to push Eli from her thoughts so easily was likely because, despite not realising herself, she’d subconsciously felt a connection towards Graham yesterday.

Chapter Ten

Walking through from the kitchen to the bakery, Layla balanced the two trays of freshly cooked pasties in her arms. Her gaze was automatically pulled to the door out onto the street. Surely it must be almost time for Diane to arrive? And Graham had promised to help out today whilst Molly and Wendy took Diane and Harry to view the local wedding venues.

Looking away, she slid the trays beneath the counter before straightening back up. She hadn’t stopped smiling since her kiss with Graham yesterday. How had her first impressions of him been so wrong? She turned to the door as the bell above tinkled. Here Diane and Graham were. ‘Hi, everyone.’

‘Hey, Layla.’ Diane smiled as she shrugged out of her coat.