‘No, not at all.’ Keeping her head turned away from him, she moved the bread baskets to clean beneath them. She could feel the prickle of embarrassment across her skin. He didn’t need to see that.

‘Okay. I believe you.’

Turning around, she clutched the cloth in her palm. She could feel the warm water dribbling down her arm. ‘What’s it to you if I do or not?’

‘Hey, I’m only teasing. Absolutely nothing. It’s got nothing to do with me.’ Graham held his arms up, palms forward.


‘You see him quite a bit, then?’ He shook his head. ‘I mean, you meet up with your ex-colleagues quite a bit? I can imagine after spending months in each other’s company sailing around the world, you’d be close.’

She turned back to the counter and scrubbed at a stubborn dribble of bright red jam. She didn’t usually mind these sorts of questions - about her old team that was - but now, with it being three months since they’d stepped off the ship for the last time and no one having even suggested meeting up, well, it was a sore subject. She too had assumed they’d keep meeting up, and she knew a few had, but being as up until recently she’d been living with her parents in Spain, she hadn’t been able to. Still, she’d hoped they’d at least have planned something or even suggested it, knowing she was back in England now. Or at least Eli would have. Her voice was quiet as she answered him, ‘I haven’t seen any of them since being made redundant. I’ve been living in Spain.’

‘Spain? Nice. Oh well, I’m sure they’ll all be flocking to meet up soon.’

She glanced back at him. She couldn’t tell if he was being sincere or not. She shrugged. Probably not.

‘Here comes Elsie.’ Graham nodded towards the door as Ian’s car pulled up in front of the bakery and Elsie stepped out before waving Ian off again.

‘Afternoon, loves. How’s everything been?’ Closing the door against the rain, Elsie shrugged out of her coat.

‘How’s Brooke and Max?’ Teresa hurried across from the coffee and cake counter.

‘They’re fine. Well, Brooke has fractured her arm like Ian said earlier, and they both have cuts and bruises, but they’re both okay.’ Elsie smiled, the earlier concern having shifted.

‘That’s a relief.’ Teresa grinned. ‘I’ll pop by there on my way home and see if they need anything.’

‘Thanks, love. Ian’s going straight back to theirs now with them, but I’m sure they’d love to see you.’ Elsie rubbed Teresa’s forearm.

Teresa nodded. ‘I’ll do that then.’

‘How has everything been here? I see you’ve stepped in to help, Graham? Thank you. Does that mean that Diane’s gone to the wedding dress sale?’

‘She sure has.’ Graham nodded. ‘And it’s been my pleasure. I’ve enjoyed it.’

Umm, more like he’s been enjoying the teasing. Layla bit down on her bottom lip, forcing herself to stay quiet.

‘Well, thank you. I really do appreciate it. I don’t want Diane to miss out on the excitement of planning her wedding just because they’ve decided to have such a short engagement.’

‘Like I said, I’m happy to help out.’ Graham grinned.

‘Thanks, love.’ Walking behind the counter, Elsie pulled her apron from the hooks. ‘You get off, Graham, love. We’ll cope now. Pop back in at some point, though, will you please? And I’ll pay you for your time.’

‘No, please don’t. I’m just helping both you and my future sis-in-law out. I don’t need to be paid.’ Graham pulled his apron over his head.

‘I insist.’ Elsie smiled. ‘Now, enjoy the rest of your afternoon.’

‘Okay, well, thank you. See you later.’ Walking around the edge of the counter, Graham pulled the bakery door open before pausing and looking back at Layla. ‘See you around, Layla.’

‘Bye.’ Layla held a hand up in a wave and hoped her sigh of relief wasn’t too audible. At least the afternoon should be peaceful enough without him breathing down her neck.

Chapter Seven

Layla grinned as the small boy sunk his teeth into the doughnut the moment his mum gave it to him, a long dribble of strawberry jam dripping down his chin.

‘Oh, Duncan, look at the mess you’ve made. What’s Grandma going to say when I drop you off covered in jam and sugar?’ The boy’s mum began rummaging through her handbag.

Picking up a napkin, Layla leaned across the counter. ‘Here you go. This will have you soon cleaned up.’