Page 21 of Meet Cute

“Then, I’ll need to plan the grand opening, set up some advertising and social media pages, and a website.”

“I guess I never realized how much work went into opening a new place. I went the easy route and just took over once it was already established.”

I laugh as I grab a second slice of pizza and look around the kitchen.

“It looks good in here though. Right?” I ask.

“Yeah, totally,” Eli says, eyeing me as he finishes off his slice.

Doubts have started creeping in more and more. I mean, part of me thought it was crazy to move across country and start my own bakery, but I was motivated by honoring my grams and finally fulfilling our dream.

Now that I’m here, alone, spending most of my savings, I’m starting to have second thoughts.

What if I fail? What do I do then? Find some job working as a line cook or cashier in some café here in town? I wouldn’t have enough money to move again. How awkward would it be to fail and then have to see everyone in town every day?

“You’re going to do great, sweets. You have to know that. Everyone in town is ready to line up and buy everything that you put out. There will be nothing but crumbs left.”

I smile, nodding my thanks as I shove the last of my pizza in my mouth. Eli does the same and wipes his hands on a napkin before he follows me back out front and we grab our painting supplies again.

We’re quiet for a few minutes as we start applying a second coat of paint to the walls. I had the fans going all night to make sure the walls were dried for today.

“I never asked, but why are you so against dating and relationships, and girlfriends and all that?”

Eli’s brush strokes pause and he seems to get lost in thought for just a minute. I let him think, not wanting to press in case it’s a sensitive subject.

I have a feeling that I know, or that I know at least part of his reason why he doesn’t date. He had seemed pretty down when I had said something about his height and I noticed how he seemed to flinch when I brought it up.

I think his height is a little sexy, if I’m being honest. Who doesn’t love a strong, tall, dark, and handsome outdoorsy man?

“It always seemed weird to date here. I mean, it’s a small town and we all grew up together. For the most part, anyway. It’s almost a little incestuous since everyone has dated everyone else. Problem of living in a small town, I guess.”

“I never thought of that, but yeah, it must be hard to find someone that doesn’t have a connection to one of your friends or something.”

“Being six feet seven doesn’t help either. Who wants to date the giant?” he tries to joke but I can hear the hurt in his voice.

“I would. You know what girls would say about you?” I ask.

Eli shakes his head, his eyes wide and curious as he pauses his painting and studies me. There’s something almost vulnerable in the glint of his eyes, and I swallow before I answer him.

“They’d say that they wanted to climb you like a tree,” I inform him with a small laugh.

Eli’s eyes are wide and I notice a slight pink tinge creeping across his cheeks.

“I bet there are a bunch of other women in town who would love to be with you too. Especially if you were wearing those sweatpants,” I say with a laugh.

“What’s so good about my sweatpants?” Eli asks, totally clueless.

“Seriously? You’ve never heard of sweatpants season?” I ask, wiggling my eyebrows at him.

Eli looks confused, glancing between me and his sweatpants.

“Sweatpants have soft fabric…” I say suggestively, raising my eyebrows at him.

When he still looks confused, I sigh and continue.

“Soft fabric that molds and shows outlines of certain body parts…” I go on, flicking my eyes down to the outline of his cock that is visible in his pants. “Congratulations, by the way,” I say with a wink.

Eli’s mouth drops open, his eyes going wide as his cheeks flame a bright shade of red.