Page 169 of Meet Cute

“I’m a hairdresser. I work over at Snips Salon,” she says, pointing toward the other side of town.

“That’s cool. Do you like it?”

“Yeah, I wanted to do something creative and so it was either kindergarten teacher or hairstylist. I thought that the stylist would pay more.”

I nod, watching as some of her purple hair slips free and blows in the wind from the open window.

“I do love kids though,” she continues. “Sometimes I wish that I had chosen that career instead, but I can always have my own kids, right? I’ve always wanted to be a mom,” she continues before I can say anything.

“Oh yeah?” I ask, shifting in my seat.

“Yeah, I’d like a big family. I just haven’t met the right guy yet,” she says with a sigh. “But once I do find him, we can get started on those babies right away,” she says with a grin and I try to smile back but all I can think about is putting those babies that she wants so much in her belly.

My cock swells in my pants and I shift, trying to discreetly pull my jeans away from the monster but there’s no more room.

We need to change the subject right now before I embarrass myself.

“I think I’d like at least four,” she continues, and I get the image of her pregnant with my babies out of my head.

“Oh my god,” I groan and she frowns at me.

“Is that too many?” she asks, looking self-conscious and I hate it.

“No! No, it’s just weird because I’ve always wanted at least four kids too,” I lie.

“Really?” she asks, beaming at me, and I nod.

I’ve never once thought about having kids of my own in my life, but now I can’t get the thought out of my head.

She turns onto the side road and I see her glare as a squirrel darts across the road. Her weird hatred for the little animals has another smile tipping my lips and she must notice because she launches into a rant about why they’re the worst.

“They chew on bird feeders and steal food from them! From helpless little birds, Jonah,” she tells me passionately and I nod.

“You’re right. They’re awful.”

She pulls to a stop alongside my Ford Explorer and I unbuckle.

“Thanks for the ride.”

“Thanks for fixing my car, Charming.”

“Charming?” I ask and she grins.

“Sure, it’s a nickname, and it fits you well. My knight in shining… jeans,” she finishes with a giggle.

Fuck, she’s so cute.

“Go out with me,” I blurt out and I expect her to be startled by my random question, but she just grins wider.

“Okay. Tonight?”

“Yeah. What time?”

“I’ll be ready at six,” she tells me and I nod.

My mind is a complete blank. I can’t believe that I just asked her out.

I can’t believe that she said yes.