Page 159 of Meet Cute

“It feels like a fairy tale,” she tells me. “Like I don’t deserve any of this and I’m going to wake up at any moment and realize that it was just a dream.”

“It’s not. You deserve the world, Pia, and I’m going to give it to you.”

She tilts her face up, and I can’t hold back any longer. My lips find hers, and those same sparks that always happen between us start to go off inside me.

“I love you,” I whisper against her lips before I dive back into her mouth.

Her lips are soft as they move against mine, and I swallow up all her moans as I pull her closer.

The toilet flushes upstairs, and Pia pulls back, smiling.

“Maybe we should take this upstairs.”

“Mrs. York, you’re a genius,” I say as I bend down and scoop her up in my arms.

She just laughs as I carry her up to our bedroom, and I smile.

If you had told me a month ago that I would be engaged to the love of my life, I would have said that you were crazy. One month with Pia, though, and I can’t imagine my life without her. She’s meant to be mine. I’m sure of it.

Her ring sparkles in the moonlight as I set her down on our bed, and I smile.

She’s mine.

And she’s right where she’s meant to be.



Five Years Later…

I hurry to finish writing my latest diary entry as I hear the front door close. I know that means Levi and our daughter, Annie, are home from the park, and my alone time is over.

He doesn’t know yet, Diary, but I’m pregnant again! I’m going to tell him tonight, and I know that he’s going to be so excited that we’re going to have another baby.

I just hope that Annie is excited to be a big sister, too.

Talk soon, Diary!



Tiny footsteps followed closely by dog paws sound on the stairs, and I smile as I close my diary and stand, ready to go greet my family.

“Mommy!” Annie shouts with a giggle as she runs at me with open arms.

Minnie, our six-year-old border collie mix, is right behind her, and I smile, scratching her ears as she sniffs around me. We adopted Minnie right after we moved in together. She’s a total sweetheart, and we’re so lucky to have her as part of our family.

“Hey there, little one,” I coo as I pick her up and start to carry her back down the stairs with Minnie trotting along behind us. “Where’s daddy?”

“Getting us a snack,” she says as she swings her legs.

“Oh, I wonder what he’s making for us,” I say as I carry her towards the kitchen.

“She requested apples and peanut butter,” Levi says with a smile as we walk up behind him.

“Did we have more apples?” I ask him.