Page 157 of Meet Cute


“Move in with me. I want to wake up like this every day. I want to be with you every second that I can. I love you, Pia.”

“I have Lila. I can’t just leave her,” I tell him.

“She can move in, too. I’ll take care of everything. We can hire movers today.”

“It’s more than that. She’s sick. I need to be able to take care of her,” I explain.

“I’ll take care of that too. We can find her the best doctors and care,” he says.

“I… This is too much. You’re being too generous.”

“It’s not. I want to spoil you. I want to take care of you. I have more money than I know what to do with, but now I know what it’s all been for. Let me do this for you,” he tells me, and I can feel tears welling in my eyes.

“Don’t cry, baby,” he says quietly. “I hate seeing you cry.”

“It’s happy tears,” I promise him.

He kisses them away, and I smile.

“Okay,” I tell him, and he grins.

“Promise?” He asks, and I huff out a laugh.

“Yeah, I promise to move in with you and let you take care of me,” I tell him.

He kisses me then, and I smile against his mouth. I know everything is moving fast with Levi, but it feels so right, so natural.

Being with him is where I’m meant to be.

I just know it.



“I think that these are the last of the boxes,” one of the movers tells me, and I nod.

“Thanks, you can just put them against that wall.”

He does, and I grab a pen, signing the form he hands me.

“Thanks again,” I tell him, and he nods, following the rest of the movers over to the elevator.

Lila and Pia didn’t have much, so we were able to get them packed up and the boxes moved into my penthouse in a day. Now, we just need to unpack everything, but I think that will have to wait until tomorrow.

I smile to myself as I go to find my fiancé. It’s still sounds foreign, even in my head, to call Pia that. I’m hoping I don’t get used to it because she’ll be my wife sooner rather than later.

“Hey, getting settled in?” I ask Lila as I pass by the guest room that she chose.

“Yeah, thanks for doing this,” she says softly, and I smile.

“Of course. Are you hungry?” I ask her. I know we just ate an hour or so ago, but she didn’t have much then.

“No, I’m just tired. I think I’m going to go to bed early tonight.”

“Okay, good night. We’ll see you in the morning.”