Page 153 of Meet Cute

I’m desperate to have her, but we need to clear the air first before I claim her as mine. I need to make sure that we’re on the same page about our future together before we go any further.

We pull apart, both of us breathing heavily, and I keep my grip tight on her.

“I’m sorry that I quit. I just… I was so afraid that you would hate me for lying to you,” she tells me, and I tuck a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

“I could never hate you. To be honest, I never even looked at the resume until I had to say your name. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.”

It’s a relief to be honest with her. I held myself and my feelings back, worried that I would scare her off if I came on too strong, but she seemed to love it. She’s just as into me as I am in her, and it’s fucking amazing.

“I didn’t lie about anything else, though,” she tells me, and I smile.

“I know. You’re too good to do that. I only wish that you had said something earlier. I hate to think that you’ve been stressed about this.”

“I just, I couldn’t lose that job. I needed the money,” she tells me.

“For what?” I ask, and she looks away from me, pulling out of my arms slightly.

“You know my best friend, Lila? My roommate?” She asks, and I nod.

“Yeah, I officially met her the other night when she lied and said you were asleep or out.”

Her cheeks heat with a blush, and I smile.

“She seemed nice. Loyal to you, which I love,” I add.

“She is. She’s the best. She’s my family. Always will be.”

I nod and wait patiently while she composes herself, and my stomach tightens into a knot. I already know that I will do everything in my power to make sure that Pia and Lila are safe and happy. I don’t want anything hurting my girl. I won’t allow it. She should only ever be smiling.

“She’s sick,” Pia chokes out, and my heart breaks for the pain written all over her face. “Cancer. She’s been on treatments, but none of them have worked yet. There’s a promising experimental surgery, but we couldn’t afford it and her insurance won’t cover it.”

“And you were working to save up for it,” I finish, and she nods.

“Yeah. I don’t know how much longer she can wait, and my waitressing tips just weren’t cutting it anymore. That’s why I interviewed with you.”

“Thank god you did.”

She smiles, leaning into me more, and I tighten my hold on her.

“Well, I’ll cover it. We can get another opinion. We’ll get her the best care possible,” I promise her, and a fresh wave of tears fills her eyes.

“Really?” She asks as the first tears spill onto her cheeks.

“Yes. Ah, baby, I hate to see you crying,” I tell her as I reach up to wipe some of the tears away.

“I can’t help it. I thought I had lost my chance with you and was letting Lila down, and now you’re giving me everything,” she hiccups.

“I’ll always give you everything,” I promise her. “I love you, Pia. You came into my life and made me see that there’s more than work. You woke me up. You make me smile and laugh. I’ve never been happier than I was with you these last few weeks.”

She buries her face in my chest, and I wrap her up tight in my arms, kissing the crown of her head and breathing in her lilac and honey scent.

“Everything is going to be alright,” I promise her, and she nods.

It takes a while, but eventually, her breathing evens out and her tears dry. The energy around us starts to change from sadness and stressful, to desperation to finally be back together, to something else, something languid and sexy.

Pia tips her head back, her purple eyes staring up at me, and I look down to her lips. Her breathing changes, becoming faster as she waits for my lips to claim hers.

She doesn’t have to wait long.