Page 150 of Meet Cute

I sigh, trying to shake off the doubt as I push to my feet and grab my keys. It’s time for me to go get my girl back. I can fix this, whatever this is. I have to.

I head out and battle the Los Angeles traffic over to Pia’s apartment building. The sun is starting to set now, and I hurry inside and up to her apartment. It’s quiet on the other side of the door as I take a deep breath and raise my hand to knock.

I wait a moment, but there’s still no sound from inside her apartment, and I wonder if she’s out. I knock again, and this time, I hear movement from inside.

A moment later, a pretty brunette answers the door, and I blink.

“Hi, is Pia home?” I ask her.

“She’s asleep,” she tells me, and I frown.

I want to ask her to wake her up or let me in, but it is kind of late.

“Oh, okay. I’ll try to come back tomorrow,” I tell her, and she nods, glancing over her shoulder at a hallway.

Part of me wonders if she’s lying, and maybe Pia told her that she didn’t want to see me if I came by. It would make sense. After all, she’s not taking my calls right now either.

“Have a good night,” I tell her, and she nods.

“You too,” she says softly.

She closes the door, and I make my way back to my car dejectedly.

Don’t worry. You’ll go get a good night’s sleep and be back first thing in the morning; I promise myself as I slip back behind the wheel.

I sigh as I drive back home because I know it’s a lie. I’m not going to get any sleep tonight. Not with my future with Pia up in the air.

I need to win her back and then make sure she can never leave me again. I drive past a jewelry store as I pull out of her neighborhood and get a great idea.

I smile as I pull into the parking lot and park.



I’ve managed to avoid Levi all weekend. Mainly by spending all of my time either locked in my room with Lila covering for me and telling him that I was out or sleeping or driving around town looking for jobs that I could apply for.

Now that it’s Monday, I think I’ve bought myself a window to relax. Levi will be at the office all day so I can hang out with Lila in the apartment and apply to as many jobs as I can find.

So far, it’s nine a.m. and I’ve already applied to a dozen different places. I’m hoping that if I spend all week applying to open positions, then maybe I’ll get a call back early next week and start a new job soon.

I checked the savings account, and we’re close to being able to afford the surgery soon. We just need to pinch a few more pennies.

A knock sounds at the door, and I frown. Lila is at her doctor’s appointment right now. I had offered to go with her, but she insisted she would be fine by herself. Her doctor’s office is only a few blocks away, and I know she can get sick of me hovering over her, so I relented and let her go.

So, who is at the door?

I stand, setting my laptop on the couch before I head over to answer it. When I swing the door open and see Levi standing there, I swallow hard.

Should have checked the peephole.

Though, with the determined look on his face, I doubt that he would have just left. The fact that he’s here when he should be at work and that he’s been by every day means that he’s not just going to let this, or me, go.

“Levi,” I choke out.

“Pia. We need to talk,” he says, pushing his way past me and into the apartment.

“About what?” I ask, feigning ignorance.