Page 137 of Meet Cute

I turn to say goodbye to Levi, but he’s on the phone still with Adrien, the man I met at my interview, so I just smile and wave at him through the glass walls of his office.

I grab my things and head towards the elevator. It comes fast, probably because everyone else who works in this building is already headed home.

I wonder what Lila is doing? Maybe I should make us some soup and grilled cheese. That always cheers her up. She’s been losing so much weight recently, and I hate to see her looking even more frail or pale than she does now. I should text her and check in before I get on the bus.

I grab my phone from my purse as the elevator doors start to close when suddenly, a hand shoots in between and pushes the doors open.

I stare wide-eyed as Levi steps onto the elevator. He’s facing me, never once looking at the panel filled with numbers, and I swallow hard.

I’ve never seen him look so focused or determined before. His green eyes are dark and locked on me as he swallows and takes a step closer to me. His suit jacket must still be in his office, and my eyes roam over him. The white of his button-up shirt stands out against his black dress pants. The material drapes over his muscled form, making him look like a statue of a Greek god.

“Pia,” he says, and his voice comes out low and gravelly.

“Did I forget something?” I ask.

My desire disappears in the blink of an eye when I realize he might have rushed on here because he realized I’m not who he meant to hire.

Oh my gosh, is he going to fire me? I can’t let that happen. I need this job. I need him.

I shake my head, trying to clear that last thought away as Levi takes another step towards me.

“Have dinner with me tomorrow night,” he says, and I’m not sure if I should panic or sag in relief.

Instead, I end up standing there, staring at him with my mouth hanging open and my eyebrows pulled down in confusion.

“What?” I sputter.

“Go out on a date with me tomorrow night. Let me take you out to dinner,” he says again.

“A date?!” I squeak out as he takes another step towards me, his big body crowding me against the back wall of the elevator.

“Yeah, a date,” he says quietly, and my mouth grows dry at the heated look in his eyes.

In all of my daydreams, I never thought that this would happen. Levi is so sweet; I can’t see him being this forward.

This has to be a dream.

I pinch myself, swallowing a yelp at the sting that follows. My hot boss is asking me out. It’s a literal dream come true, but…

“I don’t think that’s a very good idea,” I tell him.

“Really? I think it’s the best idea I’ve ever had.”

I open my mouth to say yes or no; I’m not sure. Nothing comes out, and I can feel myself start to waver.

Dang it! Where’s my diary when I need it? I should be writing out; I will not date Levi over and over again until I can get it through my thick head.

I’m so tempted to say yes. I’ve been struggling to survive and keep Lila alive for years, and the thought of a handsome man like Levi sweeping in and taking over sounds so good.

Levi frowns slightly at my hesitation before his eyes darken with determination, and he leans in a little more.

“Great then. It’s a date. I’ll pick you up tomorrow night.”

He plucks my phone out of my fingers and presses a few buttons. His phone starts to ring in his pocket, and he smiles as he hands my phone back to me.

“Great, now we have each other’s numbers. Text me your address, and I’ll see you tomorrow night,” he says with that familiar smile of his.

The doors of the elevator open behind him, and he places his hand on the small of my back, steering me out. I turn and look back at him as the doors start to close to take him back up to our floor, and he grins at me. He winks, and my knees start to feel weak. Luckily for me, the doors close before I can make a complete fool of myself.