Page 122 of Meet Cute



When I wake up alone, I almost think I dreamt last night, but I know from my sore muscles that it happened. The other side of the bed is cold, and I know that Rhett has been up and gone for some time.

“Ugh,” I groan as I stretch, trying to ease some of the aches in my muscles.

I need to start working out if I want to be able to handle him more than once a week, I think to myself with a giggle.

I pull myself out of the bed and pad into the bathroom, turning on the shower and cranking it as hot as it will go. It isn’t until I’m standing under the spray, the sleep cleared from my brain, that I realize I might be reading too much into last night.

I stand under the hot water, replaying last night over and over in my head. It had been good. Really good. I know that I don’t have anything to compare it to, but the fact that I almost blacked out has to mean something, right?

Good sex doesn’t mean that we’re in love or that he wants to make this relationship real, though.

I need to talk to him.

I could go to Knight Security, except isn’t he interviewing today? And his car was done and ready for pick up. I don’t even know if he’ll still be at work, and I never got his address so I can’t go knock on his door.

This feels like a conversation that needs to be had in person, and not over the phone, so I guess I’ll have to wait.

I climb out of the shower and dry off. I already know that I’ll be staying in today. I need to edit some of the pictures I took the other day, and maybe that will help keep my mind off of Rhett and this whole crazy fake relationship.

I grab my phone on my way into the closet and smile when I see that Rhett texted me. He must have sent it right after he left because it’s from a few hours ago. I’m surprised to see that it’s already close to two in the afternoon.

I guess I really needed the sleep.

I’ve never slept in this late in my life, and I get a secret thrill that I’ve done it now. My parents would for sure call Rhett a bad influence, a proper lady never sleeps in past noon, after all, but I kind of love that he’s corrupting me.

I’ve been getting to experience so many new things since I met Rhett. He’s brought me out of the boring, bland bubble that my parents put me in and that I’ve been too scared to leave. He’s shown me that there’s so much more to life than money and stuffy parties.

What’s more, I like who I am with him. He makes me laugh and smile like no one ever has. He makes me feel precious and cherished. I always thought of myself as average looking, but through Rhett’s eyes, I’m the most beautiful woman in the world.

He wouldn’t do all of that if he didn’t like me too. Would he?

It’s hard to tell because he’s such a good guy. I’m sure that he makes everyone he meets feel at ease and seen.

“Ugh, I’m going to drive myself crazy analyzing all of this,” I groan out loud. “Put it out of your head. Let’s just get dressed and get some work done.”

My stomach is too in knots to try to eat anything right now so I pull on my comfiest sweater and yoga pants and head over to the couch. I grab my computer and settle in. All the pictures are already loaded from my camera, and I flip through them, deciding which ones to edit for the blog and social media.

I try to get lost in work, but every picture makes me think of Rhett.

I should show him this place.

I wonder if Rhett would think that statue was cool.

I bet Rhett would have made this shot better. I could have asked him to take his shirt off and stand in the surf.

Great, now I’m turned on.

It goes on like that for another hour before I give up and start to pace around my apartment. It’s close to five now, and he should be getting off work any minute.

Should I text him? Or maybe I could call him and see if he can come over or if we can meet somewhere?

Scratch that. We should definitely do this in private. If things don’t go well, I don’t want to cry in front of many people.

I head back to the couch to grab my phone when it starts to ring. My heart leaps for one second and I hope it’s Rhett.