Page 101 of Meet Cute

I shouldn’t be ogling the poor guy. I mean, I just rear-ended him. He looks tired, and I’m sure he was anxious to get home before I derailed that.

Still, what would it be like to be with a guy like that? One who looks like he stepped off the cover of a magazine.

Black hair matches the rest of his outfit, but it’s his eyes that draw me in. They’re a dark blue, and they just seem so insightful, like he can see right through me.

I wonder where he’s from. I wonder what he does for a living. I’d love to photograph him. I’d do color pictures only so that I can capture his tan skin and those beautiful eyes.

He’s wearing a pair of black camo pants and a plain black t-shirt. He looks like he’s in the military, and I bite my bottom lip as my eyes caress all his muscles.

“Marines?” I blurt out, and he blinks.

“No, Navy.”


“Yep, what gave it away?”

“The fifteen-pack,” I tell him, and he laughs, looking down at his abs.

I can just make out the ridges through his shirt, and my mouth waters at the sight.

“Policy number,” comes a voice in my ear, and I startle.

“Uh, just a second.”

I fumble with the insurance card and hurry to read off my policy number. I had completely forgotten that I was on the phone with them. I was too distracted by Rhett.

He’s smiling knowingly at me now, and I realize I showed him my cards when I mentioned his abs. Now it’s obvious that I was checking him out.

I can’t help but compare him to the man my parents had picked for me today. Tripp. What a pretentious name. It suited him to a T.

The guy was a classic frat boy type, popped-up collar and all. We have nothing in common. Well, nothing except rich parents.

I wish my parents had considered what I wanted when they tried to set me up. That would require that they knew me at all, though.

I need to figure out some way to put a stop to all of this matchmaking; I think, as the insurance company places me on a brief hold. Maybe if I find my own boyfriend, they would get the message. Could I hire someone to do that? Like an escort but without the sex.

That way, my parents would get the message that I don’t need or want their help picking a partner. Maybe it would scare off Tripp too.

Maybe I should just travel. That’s my dream, to be a travel blogger. I’ve lived a pretty sheltered life, though, and I’m concerned that I don’t have the street smarts to travel alone.

I bet a Navy SEAL could keep me safe…

Maybe it’s time that I took the chance though.

The insurance lady comes back on the line, and I give her my information and tell her about the accident before I pass the phone to Rhett. I listen to his deep voice as he reads off his own insurance company and policy.

“The tow truck should be here soon,” he tells me, and I wince.

“Can I give you a ride somewhere?” I offer.

“I have to go with them to the shop, but thanks.”

“I’m really so sorry.”

“It’s okay. I’m just glad that no one was hurt.”

“Me too. Here let me give you my number in case you need anything with the car.”