Page 171 of Meet Cute

“In here,” I tell him and he turns into the parking lot of the Fallen Peak Market.

He doesn’t say anything or ask me any questions as we head inside. It isn’t until we pass the summer aisle that I get an idea.

“How do you feel about picnics?” I ask him, leading him over to the deli.

“I’ve never been on one. Aren’t they usually done when the sun is still out?” he asks and I look over at the front windows.

He’s right. The sun is already starting to set, but if we hurry, we should be able to find a spot to set up and we can use the car headlights to see.

“It’s more romantic at night,” I inform him, and he just gives me a look.

We go to the prepared food section and I debate between a turkey sandwich and the ham.

“What are you hungry for?” I ask him and he grabs a turkey and a ham sandwich and adds it to our basket.

“What else do we need?” he asks.

“Um… drinks! Drinks and candy.”


“Or whatever you want for dessert.”

“Lead the way.”

We spend the next ten minutes wandering around the store and filling our shopping basket. By the time we check out, we’ve grabbed sandwiches, four different boxes of candy, a few bottles of Coke, and some potato salad.

Jonah pays and insists on carrying everything out to the car. He sets it in the back seat and then opens my door for me.

“Where to now?”

“Back toward your place,” I tell him and he nods.

I have no idea where to tell him to stop, but he lives closer to the woods than my apartment, so there has to be a spot around there somewhere.

We drive and when we pass the spot where my car broke down, I know that we’re close to his place.

“You can park right over there,” I say, spotting a little turn-off area.

He nods and pulls into the spot. He parks and looks around with a frown, and I hop out. That just makes him frown harder and I realize that he must like opening doors for me.

“It was just one door, Charming,” I remind him and he reaches past me, grabbing all of the groceries out of the back.

I lead the way down the little trail there, but soon the trail starts to get harder to follow with the overgrowth.

“I’m surprised that you’re not worried about the raccoons,” Jonah says as we wander through the woods.

“I didn’t even think about them,” I admit, my footsteps starting to slow as I look around.

The sun is setting and it’s getting harder to see, especially here in the woods.

“Where’s this great picnic spot?” he asks me and I look around.

“Um, it’s just right up here,” I lie.

There has to be a good spot around here somewhere, right?

We walk for a few more minutes in silence and I’m about to say that maybe we should turn around when Jonah wraps his hand around my arm and jerks me back.