Page 143 of Meet Cute

“Yep,” I say with a smile.

I still haven’t really met many people that work here. Levi likes to keep me all to himself. Maybe this is my chance to try to make some friends here.

“I’m sure you are,” the girl says snidely, and my stomach cramps.

“What? What do you mean?” I ask weakly.

“I think that you know,” she spits at me.

I swallow hard, and she glares at me as she takes a step closer to me.

“Just so you know, everyone here knows what you are. We all know you’re trying to sleep your way to the top.”

“Top of what?” I blurt out, and she grinds her teeth together as she stares at me with malice in her eyes.

“The last secretary thought that she could do the same thing. Look where that landed her,” she warns me, and I stifle a laugh.

“His last secretary was sixty and she retired,” I remind her and it looks like steam should be coming out of her ears.

“Is that what he told you?” She taunts me, and I nod, but doubt starts to fill me.

Could she know something that I don’t?

I don’t see Levi lying about that. Why would he? Still, could she be telling the truth? That might make more sense than him being into me.

The girl must be able to see that her barb hit its mark because she smirks and spins on her heel, stomping back to her desk as I stare after her.

I try to get to work, forcing myself to focus on the emails in my inbox for an hour. After I get them cleared out, I can’t help but mull over what she said.

Instinctively, I grab my diary from my purse and start to write.

Dear Diary,

I’m so lost. I have no idea what I’m doing. Why did I think dating my boss, the boss I’m lying to, would be a good idea?

I’m in way too deep now, and I’m scared.

Scared that I’ll let Lila down.

Scared that Levi will find out and hate me.

Scared that I’ll fall in love with him even more and lose him.

What do I do now, Diary?

I know that I should probably be looking for and applying to more jobs, but I know what’s out there, and York Technology is the best I’ll get. I need this job so that I can pay for Lila’s surgery.

I set my pen and diary aside when I felt the tears stinging the back of my eyes. The words on the page were starting to become blurry anyway, and I take a deep breath, trying to stem the flow of tears before they can spill over onto my cheeks.

What do I do now?

That’s the one thought that keeps repeating over and over again in my head.

Unfortunately for me, I don’t have an answer.

I work hard to get myself under control, and by the time five o’clock rolls around, I’ve mostly succeeded.

I avoid Levi as I pack my things up and hurry to the elevator. I need to be alone tonight so that I can try to figure out a plan.