Page 134 of Meet Cute

He asks me what my favorite color is, my favorite animal, my favorite TV show and movie. I learn that his favorite color was blue, but it’s recently changed to purple. He’s always wanted a dog but is worried he won’t have enough time to take care of it properly, and he doesn’t remember the last time he watched TV or went to see a movie.

We head back to the building, and Levi hurries into his office to get ready for his meeting. He rushes back out a second later and smiles at me.

“I won’t have time to go over duties today. Why don’t you take off early today and get your errands done? I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Are you sure?” I ask him, and he nods.

“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Thanks, boss,” I say with a grin as I grab my purse and push my chair in.

His smile falters when I call him boss, but it’s barely noticeable, and I’m too busy mentally making a grocery list to worry about that.

I wave as I head towards the elevator and step on. Since it’s not rush hour, it only takes me half an hour on the bus to get home. Lila is asleep on the couch, her face pale, and my good mood takes a sharp turn.

I tiptoe back to my room and change out of work clothes and into a pair of yoga pants and a tank top. My diary is lying on my bedside table, and I sit down, picking it up and twirling the pen between my fingers.

I’ve been keeping a journal since I was a kid. It helps me when I’m feeling overwhelmed like I am right now. It helps me to sort my thoughts, and I need that now. I start writing, chewing on my bottom lip as I scrawl my thoughts across the page.

Dear Diary,

Today was… I don’t know. It was stressful but also wonderful and exciting. I hate lying to Levi or anyone at the company, but man, I really need this job. I’m making almost double what I was at the diner, even on the best of tip days, and it’s fewer hours.

I think that I’m really going to like working for Levi. He’s so sweet and thoughtful. Okay, yeah, and he’s also totally hot and sexy.

He makes me feel special. He makes me feel beautiful and like I belong there. Oh, Diary, I stood out like a sore thumb when I first got there. Everyone was in such nice clothes, and they all seemed so confident. All of the women were also at least four sizes smaller than me, which didn’t help, but when I was around Levi, I didn’t notice any of that.

It’s too bad that I can’t date him. He doesn’t even know the real me. I mean, I feel bad enough for lying about my name and taking this job. Now that I have it, though, I can’t lose it. Lila needs that surgery, and soon. She’s counting on me, and I won’t let her down. I can’t let her down.

I’ve got to go run errands, but I’ll be back later. I have a feeling that I’m going to need to continuously need the reminder that Levi is off limits and you’re the only one to be able to do that for me.



I feel better after getting out some of my feelings, but it hasn’t fixed the main problem. My body still goes all tingly and hot whenever I so much as think about Levi.

I need to get my libido under control.

And fast.



I’ve always been excited to go to work before, but it’s hit a whole new level now that Pia is working for me. I practically leaped out of bed as soon as my alarm went off this morning, and I smiled through my whole morning routine and drive in today.

I paced like a lovesick fool, waiting for her to arrive. I thought that having her close by and in my eyesight would calm me down a bit and then I could focus on work, but that hasn’t happened.

She’s been here for three hours already. I spent the first hour and a half going over her duties and helping her get set up on her computer. The last hour and a half, I’ve spent trying to work, but my eyes keep straying to her every few minutes. It should be maddening, but every time my eyes land on her, my heart kicks in my chest, and all I feel is hopeful.

I need to figure her out so I can try to come up with the best way to ask her out. Step one of that plan is to have lunch with her again and try to get to know her more. I ordered us some food from a nearby burger joint that should be here any minute.

As if on cue, the delivery guy comes around the corner, and I smile as I walk out to tip him.

“Thanks,” I say, taking the bags from him.

“No problem. Have a great day.”