Page 129 of Meet Cute

I can be his assistant. I’ll be the best assistant he’s ever had, and it won’t even matter that he calls me by the wrong name.

“Great! I’ll see you then,” I say as I push to my feet.

This time, the smile that curves my lips is genuine. It seems to catch Levi off guard, and he blinks, staring at me again until Adrien shoves him gently.

Adrien offers me his hand, and I shake it before I turn back to Levi and do the same thing. As soon as his skin touches mine, electricity skates up my arm and sends tingles and shivers all over my body.

“Welcome to the team,” he says softly, and I smile.

“Thanks. I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow morning,” I promise him.

He nods, and I grab my purse and hurry out of the room before he can change his mind. I hit the button to the elevator, smiling as I step inside with a few other people. I can hear the man with the clipboard announce that the position has been filled, and I grin to myself as the doors close, and I’m whooshed down to the lobby.

Today is turning out better than I could have ever imagined. I can’t wait to get home now and tell Lila all about my new job.

That excitement is short lived though.

I hop on the bus, and as we start to head towards our apartment, guilt starts to hit me. I should have told him right then and there that I wasn’t who he thought I was. This Flowers lady might have needed a job just as bad as I did, and I stole it from her. Not to mention that my resume probably wasn’t nearly as impressive as hers.

You’re doing this for Lila, I remind myself.

I just hope I can keep up the façade of being this Ms. Flowers long enough to save up enough money to save my best friend.



I had been bored out of my mind doing the interviews. Actually, I had been trying to solve a glitch with one of our new products while I listened to candidate after candidate drone on about their skills and past jobs. It all sounded exactly the same, and I’m sure that any one of them would have been a good hire, but none had really grabbed my attention.

Then she walked in.

As soon as I saw her, my heart felt like it had just shot up into my throat, and all I could do was stare as she stood across the conference table from me.

With one look, I knew that she couldn’t work here. She’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen, and this fast-paced, cutthroat business isn’t for her.

Still, I couldn’t let her go. When Adrien told her she was hired and her remarkable purple eyes lit up, I couldn’t tell her no and make that look disappear. I couldn’t be the one to hurt her.

Damn, those eyes.

I’ve never been very artistic, but seeing those eyes made me wish I was. I would paint nothing but them, trying to get the emotions hidden in them just right. I would write whole sonnets about those eyes and how having them on me makes me feel things that I’ve never felt before.

It’s a comforting feeling, like yearning. Almost like… love.

“Damn it. I should have thought this through. I can’t be pining for my assistant. I can’t hit on her or ask her out or anything when she’s working for me,” I grumble as I watch the elevator doors close and whisk my new assistant out of sight.

“Why not? I did, and it was the best decision I ever made,” Adrien says as he leans back in the office chair.

“What if something happens? She could sue me or something,” I point out.

“What are you planning on doing with her?” Adrien asks skeptically, and I roll my eyes.

“Normal things.”

“Okay, then, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. When she first walked in here, you guys just stared at each other for like a solid minute. There’s definitely something there between you, and I know she feels it too.”

“I didn’t even look at her resume,” I grumble, and Adrien laughs.

The resumes are a mess in front of me, and I pick up the first one.