Page 112 of Meet Cute

We spend a few minutes sampling the different canapes that the servers bring out, and for the first time, I actually have fun at one of these events.

“Quinn, there you are,” my father says, and I can tell by the look on his face that he’s already spoken to my mother. “Who is your friend?”

“Dad, this is my boyfriend, Rhett. Rhett, this is my father, Alastair Walder.”

“It’s nice to meet you, sir,” Rhett says politely.

“Uh huh,” my dad murmurs, and I roll my eyes. “Tripp was looking for you.”

“Right. Let’s go see if we can find him,” I tell Rhett, dragging him away from my father.

“I’m so sorry about them,” I whisper to Rhett, and he just smiles.

“It’s alright. I’ve experienced worse.”

People are dancing in the great room, and I try to steer Rhett away from it, but of course, that’s when my mom spots me and waves me over. Tripp is standing beside her, and I know before I get there that I’m going to be forced to dance with him.

“There you are, darling,” my mom says. “Tripp was looking for a dancing partner, and I was hoping to learn more about your friend.”

I know that’s bullshit. They just want me with Tripp and are willing to deal with Rhett to get that.

“Hi, Tripp,” I say reluctantly. “This is Rhett, my boyfriend.”

“Hey,” Rhett says, and I see Tripp size him up.

Rhett easily has fifty pounds of pure muscle on his side. Where Tripp is soft, Rhett is hard. They’re night and day. Tripp’s hair is almost as pale as my blonde hair and his eyes are a muddy brown. I don’t know how anyone who saw them together would choose Tripp over Rhett. It’s not even a competition.

“Let’s dance,” Tripp says, grabbing my wrist and dragging me off.

“Uh,” I glance back at Rhett and see him glaring at Tripp.

His eyes meet mine, and I wave him off.

“I’m fine,” I mouth to him.

He doesn’t look happy about it but nods and stays with my mom.

“I thought that your parents were trying to set us up,” Tripp says, sounding put out.

“Were they? Well, I’m taken now. Sorry,” I say, and I know that Tripp can hear the insincerity in my voice.

His hands tighten on me, and I wince, trying to put some space between us.

“I’ll be cutting in now,” Rhett says from behind me, and I blink, finding myself in his arms.

“Thanks,” I whisper when I see Tripp storm off.

“Anytime,” Rhett says as he starts to sway with me in his arms.

I rest my hands on his chest and smile to myself as I dance with my boyfriend.

Fake boyfriend, I remind myself and sigh quietly as I wonder what I’m going to do with all of these feelings when everything comes crashing down.



“I’m really sorry for how they’ve been treating you,” Quinn says, and I shrug.