Page 110 of Meet Cute

He laughs, and I step up to place my order. He orders after me, and I grab the drinks, heading over to the girls before I head back for the food. It’s a ton of junk food, but I want Quinn to have this experience. We’ll probably all get sick from eating so much fried food, but it will be worth it to be the first one to show this to Quinn.

“Dig in,” I say as I set the food down in front of us.

“Thanks,” Quinn says, and then she shocks the hell out of me by leaning over and brushing her lips against mine.

It’s a quick kiss, there and gone in the blink of an eye, but my lips keep buzzing as I grab my Coke and take a long drink.

I know it then. I’m already head over heels for this girl.

For my fake girlfriend.

Now I need to figure out how I can possibly make this fake relationship real.



I’m in so much trouble.

This whole thing was meant to be fake. I mean, it was my own damn idea for it to be fake, but I already have real feelings for Rhett.

I can’t believe I ever thought I would be able to keep things fake between us. Rhett is just so perfect that how could you not fall in love with him? He’s handsome and sweet, supportive and funny. He makes me feel beautiful, smart and desired.

I don’t need this right now. He’s not part of any of my plans. Besides, I’m already so stressed out and on edge about my blog and parents that I don’t think I can juggle one more thing.

Maybe I should call this whole thing off.

Except I don’t think that would do any good. I already have feelings for Rhett. Pushing him away now is just going to hurt me.

I pace back and forth, chewing on my fingernail as I wait for Rhett to pick me up. We’re supposed to be heading over to the house for whatever charity event they’re holding this month. I’m already dreading it. These events are always so dreadful and more about people showing off than helping the actual charity that we’re all there to support.

My puffy, tulle dress is already driving me crazy, and I try to tamp down the sides. It doesn’t work.

My mom picked this out for me, and I’m only wearing it to try to soften the blow when I show up with Rhett in tow tonight.

A knock comes at the door, and I take a deep breath as I go to answer it.

There’s no going back now.

I swing the door open, and my jaw drops.

“Holy shit,” I say, practically drooling as I take in the beauty that is Rhett in a perfectly fitted black suit.

“I can clean up well if I need to,” he says with a chuckle, and I nod.

“I’ll say.”

“You look beautiful.”

“Thanks,” I say, grabbing my clutch and pulling the door shut behind me.

“Are you ready for this?” He asks as we head for the elevator.

“I think so,” I say with a sigh.

“That bad, huh?”

“I’m just not sure how they’ll react. I mean, they’ll have to be gracious because we’re in public, but I doubt that will stop them from pushing their choices on me all night.”