Page 109 of Meet Cute

“What did you do today?” I ask her.

“I went and looked around town. I feel like a tourist after not being here for a few years. It’s crazy how much has changed.”

“I bet,” I say. “Quinn is an amazing photographer. She’s starting a travel blog,” I tell Anson and Lottie.

“Really? That’s so cool! You’ll have to send me the link. I want to check it out.”

“Sure,” Quinn says, and I see her trying not to squirm under my praise or Lottie’s interest.

It’s obvious that Quinn isn’t used to people paying so much attention to her. I’m guessing she flew under the radar at home and school. I’d like to spoil her by giving her all of my attention, and I wonder if it would freak her out if I told her that.

We move up in line, and Quinn turns to Anson and Lottie.

“How did you two meet?” She asks them as I move closer to her and wrap my arm around her shoulder.

It must be warm against my side, or maybe she’s just trying to sell this fake relationship because she cuddles closer to me. I breathe in her sweet honeysuckle scent and it makes me want to lick her.

“We were actually friends when we were younger. Anson and Rhett were best friends for as far back as I can remember, and we were close too,” Lottie says.

“Aww, that must have been nice. When did you start dating?”

“Only a few months ago. It took this one a while to admit that he wanted me,” she says, laughing as she elbows Anson in the side.

“Something like that,” he says, smiling down at her softly.

“It was exactly like that,” I groan, and Quinn laughs. “It took them years to stop dancing around each other and finally admit they loved each other. It was so frustrating to watch.”

“We didn’t want to mess up our relationship with you,” Anson argues, and he shakes his head.

It’s our turn now, and Lottie and Anson step up first, climbing into their cart. Then it’s our turn.

“I should have asked, but are you afraid of heights or anything?” I ask Quinn, and she smiles.

“No, at least, I don’t think so.”

“Guess we’re going to find out,” I joke, and she laughs.

“If I start clawing at you like a cat in a bath, that will be your sign that I don’t like heights,” she teases, and I laugh as we start to rise up into the sky.

“Are you having fun so far?” I ask her as the wheel starts to turn.

“Yeah, I really like Lottie and Anson. They seem so perfect together, and they’re both so nice. I haven’t had a fun night out like this in… well, forever,” she says with a little laugh.

I point out some of the other rides, and I’m not surprised that she’s never been on any of them. I promise her we’ll try all of them, even if Lottie and Anson can’t join us as we climb off the Ferris wheel and make our way over to the concession stand.

“Are you hungry?”

“Starving,” she says as her eyes devour the menu.

“Want me to just get a little of everything and we can share?” I offer, and she smiles sweetly at me.

“That would be perfect.”

“We’re going to go grab that table,” Lottie says, grabbing Quinn’s hand and pulling her over to a just freed up picnic table.

“She’s cool,” Anson says when we’re alone, and I smile.

“I know.”