Page 104 of Meet Cute

“That’s better.”

My eyes close, and I’m planning on sleeping off this hangover when my phone rings.

Maybe it’s Rhett.

“Ugh,” I growl when I see my mom’s name on the screen instead.

I can’t deal with her right now so I let it go to voicemail and try to go back to sleep. When she calls again, I give up and hit ignore, dialing Rhett’s number instead.

“Morning,” he says, and he sounds so fresh and hot.

“Hi,” I croak out.

I clear my throat, but I don’t think that it will help much. I need about a gallon of coffee and a few more hours of sleep to sound human again.

“How are you feeling?” He asks.

“I’m never drinking again.”

“That’s what they all say,” he says with a laugh.

“I remember,” I blurt out, and his laugh cuts off.

“Can you meet me for coffee? This feels like a conversation that we should have in person.”

“Go outside?” I whine, and he cracks up.

“I know it’s hard, but there will be coffee there. Nice, hot coffee,” he tempts me, and I sigh.

“Fine. I’ll get dressed and brave the outside.”

“I’m honored,” he tells me.

“Where am I going?”

“There’s a little café over on Fifth Street.”

“I know it,” I say

“Meet there in half an hour?”

“Alright,” I say, trying not to groan.

“See you soon.”

He ends the call, and I close my eyes as I crawl out of bed and head over to the closet. I should probably get dressed up, make myself look as hot as possible so that he actually agrees to this crazy plan, but I just don’t have the energy for that right now.

I grab a loose-fitting tunic and a pair of my comfiest yoga pants before I pad down the hall to the kitchen, where I promptly down an entire glass of water.

“Not better,” I groan when my stomach revolts.

Alright, let’s get this over with.

I head out the door, slipping on my sunglasses in the elevator and hissing when I step outside, and the sun tries to blind me.

With the L.A. traffic, it takes me closer to forty minutes to get there, and I head inside to see Rhett already waiting for me. He’s sitting at a table away from the windows, and I’m instantly grateful that he picked a spot away from the sun.

“You made it,” he says with a charming smile as he stands to greet me.