Page 102 of Meet Cute

He passes me his phone, and I type in my number, hitting the call button so I have his too.

The tow truck pulls up, and I wait around until they have his car loaded up. My car has a dent in the front bumper, and I’ll have to get that fixed at some point, but it’s still drivable.

“Sorry again,” I say as Rhett gets ready to hop in the tow truck, and he smiles.

“No worries. See you around, Quinn.”

“See you, Rhett,” I say quietly as I slip behind the wheel of my Mercedes.

I drive through downtown traffic, letting out a sigh of relief when I pull into my parking spot outside of my apartment. My parents gifted it to me when I graduated from college. I thought it was sweet, but now I realize it’s their way of still keeping me under their thumb.

That fake boyfriend idea is starting to sound better and better.

I freeze halfway into my apartment as a wonderful idea occurs to me.

Would he agree to it, though?



By the time I get my car arranged at the repair shop and make it back home in my rental car, it’s close to nine at night. I’m exhausted and starving as I head into my apartment and head straight for the shower. The plan is to rinse off, scarf down some food, and then pass out.

That plan is once again derailed by Quinn Walder.

This time she’s calling instead of hitting my car with hers. I can’t believe she’s calling me, and my first thought is that maybe she felt something for me too. That thought is quickly squashed by reality.

She probably just needs something for the car insurance.

“Hello?” I answer before it can go to voicemail.

“Rhett!” She says, slurring slightly, and I become concerned.

I don’t know this girl at all, but I got the impression that she wasn’t much of a drinker. She seemed too innocent for that.

“Are you single?” She asks, and I can’t help but laugh.

“This is a weird way to get out of paying for the damage to my car,” I joke, and she laughs, the sound light and infectious in my ear.

“Nooo,” she insists. “I promise I’ll pay for that, but I was hoping to ask you for a favor.”

Even drunk, she sounds so sophisticated. I can tell she has money and probably comes from a rich family, and I wonder what we could have in common.

“Have you been drinking?” I ask, trying to figure out just how drunk she is.

“A little, but I swear it’s a good idea!”

“Okay, I’ll bite. What’s the favor?” I ask.

Please let it be that you want me to come over and make you come so many times that you go hoarse from screaming my name and pass out.

“Well,” she starts, and I listen as she takes a deep breath to compose herself. “Would you be my fake boyfriend? Just for a little bit!”

Fake boyfriend?

This isn’t exactly what I was hoping for. I wonder why she wants a fake boyfriend when I’m sure she could get a real one in a second.

I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Quinn since I left in the tow truck. There was just something about the curvy girl that called to me. I’m not joking when I say there was a connection between us.