Page 34 of Love On the Ice

Me: You’re fucking kidding me! Right?

Antman: No. I’m dead serious.

I click out of the message thread with Antony and begin to scroll, and there it is underneath the guys.

Dad: I left you a message but since you don’t seem to want to accept my calls, I’m letting you know here. Use your credit card and book a flight. I expect you here on the 31st. No later, young lady. Send me the information once it’s booked. I’ll be getting you from the airport. If I were you, I’d hurry and schedule that flight. Now! It’s time you got your priorities straight.

My heart sinks at the news, but at least Melina will be pissed right along with me. This totally ruins her New Year plans.

I don’t even reply. He’s done enough and now I’m ready to party.

“Melina!” I scream out, knowing that she’ll hear it unless she has her earplugs in.

I hear the pounding of her feet and then a thump, which I have no clue what it is, before she comes staggering wide-eyed into the living room. Her eyes are scanning the room, no doubt searching for a threat, and she has her brush held up, ready to cause some kind of bodily harm. I guess?

“What’s wrong?” she asks breathlessly.

“I’m ready to party tonight.”

She relaxes and looks at me, confused. “Not that I’m complaining, but why the sudden change of heart?” She moves over to the couch, flopping down on it beside me.

“Dear old Daddy wants me flying out of here on New Year’s Eve.”

“What the hell crawled up his ass? It’s literally the party day of the year and he wants you to miss it?” she asks, huffing in annoyance.

“Now, Melina dear, you know my training is of the utmost priority. I have to ensure I have what it takes to go all the way this year,” I remind her, using my best dad voice.

“He bites. But that means we have to party hearty tonight. I’m going to take a nap, so don’t wake me up until it’s time to get ready, and for the love of God, don’t scream like that anymore.” She stands up and heads to the hallway, stopping to look back at me. “Unless you’re screaming from an orgasm.”

The pillow I throw barely misses her before she quickly disappears down the hall. Picking the blanket up from the floor, I decide to take a nap as well, since my food coma has quickly set in.

We’ve been at this party for three fucking hours and I’m so ready to leave. It’s nothing but pretentious fucking assholes, and none of them are appealing to me in any way. I keep moving through the house, looking for a secluded corner to hide in until Melina is ready to leave. Unfortunately, there’s not one to be found, and it’s freezing outside. I’m just about to brave the cold when I notice a door and open it, finding a dark room with no one in it. Heaven.

As I step inside the room, I shut the door behind me and sigh a breath of relief. The thumping bass of the music is still there, but dulled immensely. I look around and see I’m in a library. Floor to ceiling bookcases fill three walls, and I imagine myself in a scene from the movie with Belle. I wish I was her, sliding along the bookcase on a ladder. Instead, I opt for the chair by the window and take a seat, pulling out my phone, my fingers hovering over it, begging me to send a message to the guys.

“Where have you been hiding?” a deep voice asks.

Looking up, I see an attractive man, with his jet black hair that’s cut close to his head and piercing blue eyes. He’s average build, more on the leaner than muscular side, and he’s gazing at me like I’m his next meal. But I feel absolutely no attraction to him.

He’s not my men. Well, they were my men.

“I haven’t been hiding. I’ve been right here,” I tell him flippantly, wishing he would just leave me the hell alone.

I’d much rather be sitting in front of a fire, some hot chocolate in hand, watching Christmas movies. But instead, I’m here trying to convince this man I’m not interested.

“Oh, I think I’d notice a looker like you. Name’s Chet and yours?” he asks, smirking at me, and I want to vomit.

“Not interested, now move along.” I wave my hand in the air, shooing him away.

“Fucking cunt!” he spews, and I see red.

Jumping up from the chair, I get right in his face. “Cunt? I’m a fucking cunt because I’m not interested in you or what you have to offer? Did you for a damn second think maybe I’ve got a boyfriend, or hell, maybe I’m not interested in dicks but like pussies more? Get over yourself and get the fuck away from me.”

Shoving him out of the way, I go to storm out of the room, but not before he spits out one more derogatory comment. “Fucking dyke!”

I come to a halt, whipping around to face him. “No, Chester, I’m not. And if I was, who fucking cares? But it just so happens I like cock and my three men keep me very satisfied, so I don’t think the micro penis in your pants will do anything for me. But if putting people down makes you feel better about yourself, by all means continue doing it.” I turn to walk out, throwing my middle finger up at him as I go.

Where the hell is Melina? I’m ready to go the fuck home and whether she wants to or not, I’m out of here. My hope is she will go with me.