Page 27 of Love On the Ice

I go to pull away, catching sight of Blake, cum splattered all over his muscular stomach, as his head rests on the back of the couch.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Carter growls.

“I’m making a mess on the couch.”

“Forget it. We can have it cleaned.” He reaches his arm around me, taking my breasts in his hands and squeezes. “You’re amazing, Ginny. You truly are my little pixie.”

Chapter 14


Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. It’s been an amazing few days with Ginny, but we all need to sit down and talk. Is she wanting to stay with us the whole break? Blake and I haven’t been with her alone yet, only as a threesome. But I’m beginning to wonder if Blake wants to spend some time alone with her. Is our relationship ready to withstand that? God, how can someone so perfect have my heart and head tied up in so many knots?

She slept with Carter last night, which left Blake and me alone, and we spent every minute of it exploring each other's bodies. The only thing we have yet to talk about is how we plan to handle shit when we go back to school. Do we go back, openly displaying our relationship? Or keep it on the back burner until I come out as being bisexual? Honestly, I’m not sure if I’m ready to come out to the team yet. I guess Blake and I have a lot to discuss.

Rolling over in bed, I stare at his sleeping form. His hair has grown since being on vacation and has fallen over his closed eyes, giving him an additional barrier to any light that may shine in it. His lips are slightly parted and my fingers are itching to reach for my phone to take a picture of the drool seeping from his mouth. But I don’t. His face holds such an innocence as he sleeps, compared to the stern one he carries on the ice and the joker he is off of it.

“Stop staring at me, creeper,” his sluggish voice slurs out as he reaches a hand up, pushing his black hair from his face.

“Whatever, you love my creeper ass.”

“You’re right, I do. But a good boyfriend would have wiped the drool from my mouth,” he jokes as he shifts his body upward in the bed so he’s sitting.

“No, a good boyfriend wouldn’t have taken a picture of you drooling to blackmail you later. I didn’t do that, hence I’m a good boyfriend.” I gesture my hands to myself as I sit up beside him, the blanket pooling around my hips, barely covering my morning erection.

“It’s almost Christmas. Our first one together.” Blake’s face brightens with a smile, his chocolate eyes almost twinkling at me.

“It’s not our first one together.” I raise an eyebrow, confused by his words. We’ve spent tons of them together since befriending him years ago. We may not have woken up on Christmas morning together, but by the end of the day we were either in the street playing, on some ice somewhere skating, or lounging in front of the television.

“Yeah, I know that, baby. But it’s our first as an official couple. I can’t wait to wake up to you the day after tomorrow. Hell, I can’t wait to get back to school and see everyone’s mouth drop when not only am I no longer a playboy, but in a committed relationship with you, the one I’ve been chasing since I knew what it was to want someone sexually.”

My heart drops at his words, but I force a brave face, not wanting him to suspect my reluctance. Yeah, we really need to have a conversation.

“So, what are we doing today? I’m itching to get back on the ice. Do you think we can convince Ginny to go with us again?” Ice is what I love. When I’m gliding across it, I feel like all the worries and anxiety in life slip away and I feel at peace. It’s like my very own comfort blanket. Linus’ dirty old one doesn't have anything on mine.

“Fuck yeah. I’ve been wanting to hit the slopes. Did you see the brochure for King Mountain? It looks fucking dope as hell. If no one else wants to go, we can.” He looks at me sweetly and winks.

“Well, let’s get dressed, eat and see what Carter and Ginny want to do.” Blake leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips.

We opt out of showering, only because we’re going to get hot and sweaty on the slopes today. Not to mention we had a long make-out session in the shower before bed last night. It may have been more kissing and exploring of bodies than actually washing them, but that’s just semantics. Right?

Blake dresses quicker than me, then gives me a kiss on the top of my head before leaving the room. I know he’s headed to the kitchen to make coffee. I know without a doubt as soon as I step foot in there, he’ll have a cup waiting for me. Every morning since we’ve confessed our feelings, he’s made sure to make me some. I never would’ve thought Blake Jensen would be such a doting partner. But he is.

Once I’m done, I leave the bedroom, and I’ve barely made it down the hallway when Carter and Ginny step out in front of me. They’re holding on tightly to each other and giggling so loudly about something they don’t notice me.

I clear my throat loudly, which has them jumping apart like two kids who’ve been caught doing something they shouldn’t have. Now I’m curious why.

“What’s wrong?” I ask inquisitively.

“Nothing.” Carter avoids looking me in the eye, so I know he’s lying. He’s planning something that he doesn’t want to tell me about.

“Really? Are you sure about that?”

“Positive,” both he and Ginny reply at the same time.

Yep, definitely a secret. A gift maybe? It’s all I can think of, so I’ll let them keep it between themselves for the time being. Carter will let it slip, eventually—he’s terrible at keeping gifts a secret.

“I smell coffee. Has my dark-haired hero made it already?” Ginny squeals in delight as she takes off, skipping down the hallway to the kitchen.