Page 17 of Love On the Ice

“Bitch, you’re going to be in the middle of two hotdogs. Fucking lucky ass skank,” she cries as she sits up and heads over to the closet and pulls out one of the slutty dresses I brought on the trip. “Here, take this.”

Thirty minutes later, my bag is overflowing, so I have to get another one to put my toiletries and makeup in. Not that I plan on wearing much of it. I fully intend for these guys to see me au naturale. It’s not like anything more than a holiday fuck is happening between us.

Standing in the middle of the room, I look around, making sure I haven’t forgotten anything I might need. Even if I do, I can always have Melina bring it to me or run back over. Hell, I may be ready to run like the sacrificial virgin in a horror movie straight out the door.

Melina gets up from where she’s sat back down on the bed and comes over to me. “Be careful, Ginny. I don’t want you getting hurt. This is out of your normal comfort zone. Just make sure it’s what you want to do before doing it. And if shit hits the fan, then call me and I’ll come running.”

“I know you will, Melly. I’m positive I’m going to be fine. It’s just blowing off steam before I have to see my dad.”

“Okay, but don’t forget about your girls. Christmas Eve, you are mine,” she reminds me.

“Our tradition is everything. Junk food and a holiday movie marathon that will include Die Hard and a Christmas Story. Then when we’re ready for some bloody goodness, Black Christmas.” We’ve done it since I was thirteen. It’s some of my favorite memories. Melina is not only my best friend, but she’s more like my sister.

“Well, yes, all of that, but I think this year we party and let off some steam. Speaking of your dad, how is that going?”

“It’s a disaster. Apparently, I’m ruining everyone’s lives and dreams just because I want to quit. What’s so wrong with wanting to have a life outside of competing? It’s bad enough I missed all those great high school milestones like prom, homecoming, football games and graduation, but I’m missing college too. I always dreamed of going to the same school as Mom and pledging in her sorority—now that dream is gone.”

“Have you spoken to him about it? Maybe you could make a compromise that way you both get what you want. Explain to him how important it is and how it would make you closer to your mother.” Melina scoots closer to me, taking my hand in hers as she tries to comfort me.

Melina was there for me when my mother died, especially after my father checked out, refusing to deal with the loss. It’s when he began pushing me more into a competitive level with skating.

“I did, a few times, but always got the same response. Sororities had nothing to offer me and that he knew what was best for my future,” I tell her, lifting my hand to wipe the tear that escapes.

“I’m sorry, Ginny. I promise this will be a trip you remember. Just remember to make time for me. This was our vacation to begin with,” she reminds me with a wink.

“I promise.”

“Okay, well, let’s get you out front. Your Lyft should be here any minute.” She picks up one of the two bags and heads out of the room we’re sharing. “You know, this might not be too bad. Now I got the bed all to myself and I can sleep like a damn starfish across it.”

“Just promise if you have sex in it, you have the sheets cleaned before I come back. I’m not sleeping in your body fluids.” My body shivers at the thought.

“I make no promises.” She laughs. Opening the front door, I take my bag from her and set them both in the chair on the porch and turn to give her a hug.

“I love you, Melly.”

“I love you, Ginny. Promise me you’ll be safe and keep in touch. If I don’t hear from you every day, I’m heading over there.” She pulls away from me just as a car pulls into the driveway. Pulling out my phone, I verify it’s the car before picking up my bags and heading over to it.

I open the back door and set my bags inside before turning to wave goodbye to Melina.


“It’s been a while since she left. Are you sure she’s coming?” I ask Carter, who’s lounging in the recliner as we watch ESPN on television.

“Positive. She’s a girl, and you know they take their sweet time doing things. Plus, she had to go to her place, pack, most likely shower, then come back. That takes time,” he says, so blasé.

“Why don’t you just call her? If she’s not coming, then we can go ahead and leave. We should’ve already been out on the slopes,” Chase questions him as he shifts his body on the couch, leaning into me, allowing me to wrap my arms around him more.

Carter runs his fingers through his hair before letting out a sigh. “I don’t have it.”

“What!?” Chase barks out. “You let her leave without getting that vital piece of information? We’ve possibly been waiting around here for nothing.”

“Chill, man, you need to have more confidence. I just forgot to get it from her. You got Blake, the guy that you’ve been pining over. Coach hooked us up with this kick-ass cabin for Christmas. Then, to top it off, I found the girl of my dreams, who just so happens to be the woman the both of you had the hots for at the airport. It’s coming up roses for us. But we do need to figure out something.”

“What?” Chase asks.

“You both know how we’re sick of the puck bunnies. It’s possible she might be one, and follow college sports. So do we tell her we play hockey and see how she reacts?” Carter looks intently between us.

He’s got a point. All of us are tired of the girls who want to be with us solely because we’re hockey players. Especially me, since I’ve made it known I want to play professionally.