Page 8 of Love On the Ice

He hands it back. “That’ll be ten dollars.” Giving him the cash, I open the door and step inside and fuck if I’m not blown away.

There’re cages hanging from the ceiling with women in them dressed as snow bunnies. They have on fur hats and boots that go to their knees with fur around the rim. But instead of a snowsuit, they’re wearing skimpy booty shorts and a crop top. I must have died and gone to heaven. There is a raised railing around the club that’s filled with more dancers.

Checking everything out, I make my way through the crowd over to the bar. I’m ready to scout out the prospects here because after the debacle of last night, I need to get laid.

I order a beer and once I have it in hand, I turn around, resting my forearm on the bar top as my eyes trail around the room. There are some hotties in here tonight, but when my gaze falls on the brown-haired goddess standing with a group of girls, I know I’ve found the one.

She’s short, but that’s not what draws my attention. While the girls she’s with and hell, most of the girls in the bar are dressed to the nines in some tight, skimpy dress that barely covers their ass, with their tits hanging out, she’s not. Instead, she’s in some skin-tight jeans, a crop top sweater and fucking converse. She’s pulled her hair up into two messy buns on either side of her head, except for the strands that are hanging loose around her face.

She throws her head back in laughter, and my cock immediately responds. All I can do is fucking stare at her like a creeper. I know I need to man up and get over there and talk to her, winning her over with my charm before one of these other dicks swoop in for the night.

The music has changed to Pit Bull and I know it’s now or never. Pushing off the bar, I make my way over to her, shifting my body to squeeze through people. One chick in some tight as hell black leather catwoman-looking suit reaches out, grasping my arm, but I pull away from her. I take a mental picture of her because on some off chance I get shot down by the goddess, I’ll take her as a consolation prize.

I’m a man on a mission and my target is standing directly in front of me. She shifts her body, so now only her back is to me, and damn if her plump ass isn’t begging for me to take a bite out of it.

The closer I get, the more nervous I feel. I’ve never been this anxious about talking to a girl. What’s making her so different? Stepping up behind her, I’m overwhelmed by the smell of cherry blossoms.

Her back is to me, so she can’t see me, but the blonde in front of her does and her lips turn up in a smirk as her eyelashes start to bat. Sorry, blondie, but you’re not the one I want.

Clearing my throat, I tap the goddess on her shoulder. She turns and I’m hit with the most gorgeous ice-blue eyes I’ve ever seen. The corners of her lips turn up in a smile and I’m hooked. This is the girl for me and I haven’t even said a word to her.

“Hey, I’m Carter. I saw you from where I was standing over there and knew I needed to talk to the hottest girl in the room.”

“I’m Ginny. Looks like I’m a lucky girl. Especially since you’re the best-looking guy I’ve seen in here.” Fuck, her sultry voice has my cock twitching. I try to calm myself, not wanting to scare her off before I have a chance to take this further.

“Care for a drink?”

She looks over her shoulder at her friends, then back at me before leaning into blondie and whispering something. The music is so loud and her voice is so soft I can’t make out what she’s saying.

“Okay, lead the way.”

I do a mental fist pump as I place my hand on the small of her back, just above the swell of her ass, and guide her over to the bar. There are no seats, so I look around and see a vacant table in the corner.

“What do you want to drink?”

“Can I get a Liquid Marijuana?”

“That sounds serious, so I think I’m going to have it, too. I’ll get the drinks if you want to snag us that table in the corner,” I tell her and point toward it.

“Sounds like a plan, Carter.” She pulls away from me and my hand already misses the feel of her. I watch as she moves across the room, her ass swaying back and forth as my head moves in sync with it. Once she sits down, I step up to the bar and wave at the bartender, getting his attention.

When he steps over, I order the two drinks, keeping my eyes on her the entire time. There’s no way in hell I’m letting one of these fuckers in here slide in and snatch her away from me. She pulls out her phone and I can see her face change from a smile to a frown.

It doesn’t take long, and the bartender sets the drinks in front of me, letting me know the total. “That’ll be twenty-five dollars.”

Shit! For two drinks?

I pull out my card and hand it to him. It only takes a few moments for him to run it and hand it back. Picking the drinks up, I head over to the table—excited to see where the night takes us.

Setting her drink down in front of her, I scoot the free chair closer to her and take a seat.

She lays her phone face down on the table and picks up the drink, taking a sip. “Thank you. Even though I broke all the rules by accepting a drink from a stranger. For all I know, you could have slipped something in it on the way over. Next thing I know, the world will go all fuzzy. Then I’ll be a blubbering mess, all prime for you to have your way with.”

I like her, and I can’t control the laugh that bursts out of me. “You got me. Figured out my whole devious plan. Except that I plan to share you with my two roommates.”

Her beautiful eyes just stare at me as she lets the tip of her right pointer finger skim around the rim of the glass, not giving me any reaction. For a moment, I think I may have fucked up and took it too far.

She takes her hand off the glass, then leans into me. “Kinky. What makes you think I wouldn’t like that? Have all my available holes filled by cocks?” And if that wasn’t enough to have me screaming thank you to the gods, she slams her lips on mine, kissing me like a woman who knows exactly what she wants.