Page 5 of Love On the Ice

You’re imagining it.

He isn't interested in you.

He doesn’t know you’re bi.

He would never be with you.

You’d ruin everything.

“You’re wrong,” a husky voice from across the room says. My head immediately pops up and I drag my eyes over to him. He’s looking at me, his gaze so intense. His chiseled jaw is clenched, with just the bare beginnings of a five o’clock shadow showing. My mind wanders to how it would feel rubbing against my face, my chest as he kisses me.

“What?” I ask, playing dumb.

“Since the first day I met you, all I could think about was you. But I was just a kid then. I didn’t know what it meant. Then puberty hit, and I had very un-friend like feelings for you. I’d think of you, and my dick was instantly hard. I was still struggling with my sexuality then and not ready to act on any of those feelings. Then later, when I came to terms with what I was feeling, I didn’t know if you felt the same, if you were bi like me.” He unbuttons his shirt, slowly letting it fall to the ground as he moves confidently across the room toward me. His broad chest enticing me as I slowly drop my eyes to his ripped abdomen and delicious Adonis belt.

“You like me?” I ask, not sure if I should trust my own ears. Maybe I’m just hearing what I want to hear—what I’ve wanted to hear for years. The man I’ve lusted over finally admitting the feelings for me. This has only ever happened in my dreams.

He stops directly in front of me, reaching out and gripping my chin, tilting it upward. “Yes. Honestly, I like you. And I think you feel the same way. Give us a chance. Let me show you how happy we can be together.” His breath skates across my face as he leans into me—his lips landing on mine. The kiss sends tingles down my body, straight to my cock.

No matter how good it feels, my body tenses as I try to fight it, not wanting to risk our friendship. My mind and heart are at war. This is the moment I’ve longed for, though. So I finally quit resisting and relax into the warmth of his lips, opening mine and allowing his tongue to delve in. He takes control and deepens the kiss, the metal in his mouth grazing along my tongue. I immediately want more, imagining how it would feel on other places.

When he pulls away, breaking the connection, my mind immediately starts thinking the worst— he regrets it.

“Stop,” he says, obviously seeing the hurt on my face.

“Stop? Seriously, that’s all you have to say. You confess your feelings for me, then give me the most amazing kiss of my life, before abruptly pulling away. How the hell am I supposed to feel? I knew this was a terrible decision. I should’ve never allowed this to happen,” I spit out in a rage.

“Chase, I pulled away because you’re drunk. I’m, well, not as drunk as you, but still. I want what happens between us to be when our minds are clear and not in a drunken haze. This, me and you”—he points back and forth between us—“I want this more than anything. So I’m going to get undressed and so are you. We’re going to climb into bed, and I’m going to hold you in my arms while we sleep. Tomorrow, when clearer heads prevail, we’re going to have this discussion again.” He smiles and leans in, giving me another kiss that makes my toes curl.

I softly moan when he pulls away and starts undressing. Slowly, my eyes trail up and down his chiseled body. His muscled pecs dance with every movement they make, and my eyes zero in on the barbell piercing through each of his nipples. As my eyes move down his body, they fixate on the trail of hair that disappears underneath his boxers—lingering on the massive bulge in his boxers. I know from stolen glances in the shower that’s the only hair in that area as he keeps his cock bare. Lord help me!

I’ve kissed men and sucked them off, but it’s never gone further than that. Now I’m scared by the idea of what I know to be a massive dick penetrating my ass. If this is how women feel when they see men who are larger, I totally get why now.

He chuckles, and I know he’s caught me. “Chase, get undressed. Don’t make me ask again.” His deep voice is forceful and confident, making my dick hard and the hair on my skin stand on end.

An overwhelming need to obey hits me, unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I pull my shirt off over my head, dropping it to the ground and standing up. When I undo my pants and push them down, I have to ease them over my hard cock, leaving me in nothing but my gray boxer briefs. I’m not sure why, but I look to him for approval, which he gives when he fixates his eyes on me and rubs the pad of his thumb across his lower lip.

“God, you’re a vision, Chase. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough. Now, get in bed, it’s time to sleep.” He pulls back the comforter and sits down on the bed, slipping his legs underneath it before patting the spot beside him.

I place my knee on the mattress and climb my way up to him, sinking underneath the comforter, and wrapping my arms around his chest as I intertwine our legs.

“Blake?” I ask quietly, listening to him breathe in and out. Enjoying the feel of his heartbeat against my cheek.

“Yes,” he responds and plants a kiss on the top of my head, rubbing his hand along my arm.

“You should know, I’ve been with men. I’ve kissed them and gave them blowjobs, but it never went further than that. I don’t know how good I’ll be and I’m scared.” As I confess, fear makes my heart beat fast, afraid he’ll reject me for my lack of experience. “I’m also very attracted to girls. What happens if I meet one that holds my attention?”

He kisses my forehead, and I hear him let out a small laugh. “Babe, first you have no reason to be afraid. Honestly, it turns me on that I get to pop your cherry. I know it’s not news to you, but I love women too, and if we find one we’re both attracted to, we can always ask her to join. Of course, that all depends on our conversation tomorrow and if you want to move forward with a relationship. Now, cut off that brain of yours and go to sleep.”

And just like he tells me, I do—allowing the darkness to swallow me as I hold the man I’ve dreamed of so many nights in my arms.

I wake up alone in bed, reaching my hand across to the vacant spot. It still feels a little warm, so I know he hasn’t been gone long. As much as I’m trying to push the feeling down, rejection hits hard. I remember last night vividly, but his absence has me wondering if he's rethinking the whole thing.

“STOP!” comes out in a growl from the now-opened bedroom door, just as the aroma of coffee hits me. “I know what you’re thinking, and stop. I just went and got us some coffee and bagels.”

My eyes drop to his hands where he’s carrying a tray with both items, and I feel like an idiot. Plus, how in the living hell does he always know what I’m thinking?

“Sorry. Thanks for the coffee.”