Page 37 of Love On the Ice

Stepping out of the Lyft, I gather the bag with the guy’s gifts and shut the door. I take a deep breath and head for the pathway that leads to their porch. With each step I take, I force myself to be brave. One last night and then it’s goodbye. We all get closure and a trip to remember. We all agreed it was nothing more than that at the start. Fun!

Okay, Geneva, pull your big girl panties on and get in there!

As I get closer, I can hear the guys’ laughter and music drifting outside. Their joy is contagious, and I yearn to feel it as well, not the dread at what tonight has to bring.

I make it to the landing and take the final steps, lifting my hand and knocking on the door. I wait, then knock again, but still no answer. Finally, I take hold of the door handle and turn it, opening to a sight that has me smiling. All three men are in Christmas onesies: a reindeer, an elf and Santa, all dancing around the room, singing off-key to the music.

Carter chooses that moment to turn, and his eyes lock with mine, growing wide in shock as he freezes in place. Neither of the other two are aware that they’re being watched.

“Guys,” Carter calls out over the music, getting their attention. “We have company.”

They turn, and when they see me, Blake makes a mad dash, picking me up and swinging me around. I barely have time to sit the bag down.

“I’ve missed you, Little One,” he whispers into my ear.

“Me too,” I reply softly.

“Put her down and let us get some lovin’ too,” Carter butts in.

Each of them hugs me like they haven’t seen me in years when, in reality, it was just yesterday.

“So I heard there was food and presents. Please don’t disappoint me,” I joke.

“Oh, there’s food. It’s warming in the oven. We were just waiting for you. There’s just one thing, though. You’re not dressed properly,” Chase states as he moves over to the tree and picks up a large gift bag sitting beside it, bringing it over to me. “You see, there’s a dress code for this party and lucky for you, we picked you up the proper attire.”

Opening the bag, I take a look inside and shake my head. A gingerbread cookie onesie.

“We wanted to get you Mrs. Claus, but they were out,” Carter explains.

“Well, I guess I should go change. I’ll be right back,” I announce as I take off down the hallway in a skip, oddly excited to put on my onesie.

Shutting the door behind me once I’m inside Carter’s room, I take a deep breath. One night, then we say goodbye. I can do this.

It doesn’t take me long to change and I take a look in the dresser mirror, laughing at how ridiculous I look. Folding my clothes, I put them on the bed and go back out to my guys, who are busily setting the table.

“It smells delicious, but is that Chinese?”

“Yep, it's been an Olsen family tradition since, well, before we were born,” Carter explains as he sets the last container in the middle of the table.

“No turkey, ham, or mashed potatoes?” What kind of world do people not eat that for Christmas?

“Nope, that’s Thanksgiving,” Chase speaks up this time, like what he’s said is common knowledge. I’m mind-blown by this. In my home, when we did Christmas as a family, it was a big production of a meal, with turkey and all the trimmings. Same as Thanksgiving.

“Okay, time to eat. And trust me, Ginny, by the time you’re done, you’ll be wanting this every year.”

“We shall see.” I take his challenge as we sit at the table and I take my first bite. It’s at that moment I know I have been having Christmas dinner wrong this whole time. So not only am I eating the Chicken Lo Mein, but my words as well.

I don’t admit defeat until we’re too full to lift the fork to our mouths. “You win. Best food ever for the holiday. My new meal every year will be this and when I eat it, I’ll always remember this moment and the three of you.”

They each exchange a look that raises my curiosity, but I don’t say a word. I don’t want to ruin the moment or this night.

“Okay, let’s put the food away real quick while you relax by the tree, Ginny. Then it’s gift time,” Blake says as he stands from the table and picks up his plate, carrying it to the kitchen.

I must have died and gone to heaven as I watch the three of them clean up the table from our feast, while I sit back, never once lifting a finger. A girl could get used to this; sadly, I’m not her.

When they’re done, they join me in the living room. They gather the gifts from under the tree and sit down. Carter and Chase on either side of me on the couch and Blake on the love seat. I’d picked up my bag for them and brought it with me when I sat down.

“Okay, me first,” I tell them as I reach inside and pull out the gifts I got them. The first one I give is a corny one, but I still hope they love it. I hand the small bag over and sit and wait as they open it.