Page 36 of Love On the Ice

“I love you too. Now let’s watch the Christmas Chronicles. I love Kurt Russell, and when he sings, it has me feeling all tingly inside.” She laughs as we stand and make our way over to the couch, cuddling under the blanket. We hang out there, enjoying the rest of our morning.


We all slept in this morning, none of us wanting to get out of bed. We stayed up late last night drinking and playing board games. It was like being a kid again, except for the alcohol. Needless to say, we are all competitive and most of the night was spent calling each other cheaters and being sore losers.

The three of us finally crawled into bed around three this morning, me by myself, and Chase and Blake together. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell into a deep sleep filled with visions of my dark-haired goddess.

I’m startled awake by pounding on my door and Chase shouting from the other side. “Hey bro, it’s time to get up. It’s almost noon and Blake’s cooking us some omelets to eat before we do the old gift exchange.”

“I’m coming,” my groggy voice calls back as I push my hair back, rubbing my eyes with my hands. When I remember our girl will be here later, I jump out of the bed in excitement. Picking up my shirt I tossed on the dresser last night, I pull it over my head and leave the room, expecting to see Chase still in the hallway ready to pound on the door again. But he’s not.

As I make my way down the hallway, I stop in the doorway of the kitchen. They’re standing there, Blake holding a piece of mistletoe over Chase’s head as he kisses him. I love that the two of them finally admitted how they feel about each other and how happy Chase has been since. I just pray it lasts once we return to the real world.

I’m about to turn around and give them their privacy when the smoke alarm begins going off, and smoke begins to billow from behind them.

“Oh, shit!” Blake cries out as he breaks free from Chase, dropping the mistletoe and taking hold of the pan that now has burned eggs inside of it. The foul odor filling the small kitchen.

I should help, but instead I double over in laughter. Guess we’ve got to figure out something else to eat, not to mention open the windows and doors to air it out in here.

“Har, har, har, Carter. Laugh it up,” Blake bitches, and it only causes me to laugh harder.

Thirty minutes later the smell has dulled, but not disappeared, and the three of us sit huddled on the couch under a blanket, while we eat bowls of cereal.

“Ten more minutes and aired out or not, I’m shutting the windows and doors. My balls have fucking climbed back up inside of me and my dick’s shriveled,” Blake continues to bitch.

“Wait, shut everything. I remember seeing some candles in the pantry.” Chase throws the blanket off us and takes off toward the kitchen, on a manhunt for anything to make the house smell better than it does now.

“Blake, can you handle that? I’ll pull the presents out, so we can get them done and clean up the place before Ginny gets here.”

We all do our separate tasks and within no time we’re back on the couch, with a living room that smells slightly like pumpkin pie.

We opted for two gifts each, especially since we are limited in space since we are traveling. For all of us, I got an appointment for either a tattoo or piercing. I’m planning to get my first tat and I want my brother there with me. I know he plans to get another one, and with Blake, you never know what he will choose. Then for Chase, I had Ginny pick up the package for me yesterday. It’s a watch that you can wear while diving. It goes along with the other gift I got him—deep sea diving lessons. He’s always wanted to learn and now he’s getting his chance. It cost me an arm and a leg, but it’s going to be worth it to see his face when he opens it.

I know he’s going to love everything. “I’m going first. For this one, I need both you and Blake to open together,” I tell Chase as I hand over the small box that holds the gift cards inside for both of them.

They quickly rip the paper off and toss it to the floor, finally opening the box held inside. “No way, really, man?” Chase asks.

“Fuck yeah!” Blake hollers before I can answer.

“Yeah, I got us all one. Call it a bonding experience for us.”

“Thanks man, that’s awesome,” Blake tells me, reaching out and giving me a fist bump, while Chase opens his next one.

“Are you freaking kidding me? No way in hell you got me this?” Chase asks in excitement when he picks up the watch, not even noticing what’s underneath it.

“That’s not all,” I tell him, gesturing for him to look again.

“Ahh shit. I’ve been dying to learn. Hell, Carter, this must have cost you a fortune.”

“You’re worth every penny. Now let me get Blake his other gift.” Leaning over, I pick the other box up from the floor and hand it to him.

We continue for the next half hour, enjoying opening the gifts we picked out for one another. The only ones left remaining under our tree are the ones we each got for Ginny.

So far it’s been an amazing Christmas and I can’t wait for what's still to come. Now to enjoy our time and wait for our girl to get here.

Chapter 19
