Page 3 of Love On the Ice

Sitting in the back seat on the ride over here, I see the stolen glances Chase gives me in the rearview mirror. Each time he smiled, his dimples appeared and my cock twitched in my pants in approval. His pouty bow-shaped lips have been a constant presence in my dreams—only they’re wrapped around my cock as he stares up at me, begging for approval to swallow my load.

At this moment, I make a vow to myself—I’m going to throw caution to the wind and shoot my shot with him while we’re here. I snort under my breath at my little pun on words. Hopefully, it ends the way I want with my load shooting down his throat. I don’t realize I’ve let out an audible moan until I hear Chase clearing his throat and Carter laughing.

Right then, we pull up in front of the cabin, saving me from any further embarrassment. I open the door and hop out as soon as it’s put into park, heading to the back to grab our bags from the hatch. I’m just lifting the last one out when Carter and Chase step up beside me. When Chase reaches out to take his from my hand, our fingers graze, and I swear I feel a zap of electricity shoot straight up through my arm. His emerald eyes lock onto mine and I can see the heat building inside of them before he quickly takes his bag and steps back.

“So let’s head inside and unload these groceries, eat some lunch, and then we can hit the slopes for the rest of the day. I want to snag myself a snow bunny to keep me warm tonight,” Carter announces before grabbing a couple of bags and heading inside.

“How much do you want to bet he comes back with two or three bunnies tonight?” I joke with Chase, slapping my hand down on his shoulder and adding a little squeeze at the end—curious about how he will respond. Will he sink into it or pull away in revulsion? My answer comes with the soft, barely audible moan that escapes him. That’s all I needed to know.

Chase will be mine by the end of this trip.

“Let’s get inside and claim dibs on our rooms,” I tell him, grabbing my luggage and some of the grocery bags and we head inside.

Walking through the front door, we enter an open-concept living and dining room with a bar separating the kitchen from the rest of the room. We don’t see Carter anywhere, but his luggage sits abandoned on the hardwood floor and grocery bags are now sitting on the dining room table.

“Carter, where the hell are you?” Chase calls out.

“Houston, we have a problem,” Carter yells back in response before he appears in the hallway, which must lead to the bedrooms.

“What the fuck kind of problem could we have? It’s a kick-ass house, we’re at a ski resort that will have some hotties, and we’re here together. What could be wrong?” I throw my hands in the air, doing a spin.

“I’m so glad you asked. There are three of us smartass, however, there are only two bedrooms and two beds.” He smirks and crosses his arms over his chest.

It takes a minute, but it finally hits me what he means. Two beds and three of us. That’s when a genius idea hits me. “It’s not like we’re going to be spending a lot of time in the beds. Hell, me and Chase can share, and if one of us brings someone home, the other can take the couch,” I throw out, praying like hell he jumps on my idea. But in no way do I plan for him to bring anyone home. That bed is for us to explore what I hope will be an us.

I look at Chase and Carter, anxiously waiting for them to say something—anything. I begin to play with my tongue ring with my teeth, a nervous habit I picked up about a year ago. Chase looks back and forth between me and Carter, biting on that delectable lip of his.

“Sure, that works for me,” he finally says, and I can’t help but notice the look on Carter’s face at Chase’s answer. We definitely need to talk later, because something is up.

“Whatcha say, roomie? Let’s go check out our room. But Carter, since we’re sharing, we get the master suite,” I say excitedly, bouncing back and forth on the balls of my feet.

“Hey now—” Carter says before Chase cuts him off.

“Sorry bro, I have to agree. You get your own room, we get the master. So suck it up. You and your snow bunnies will get the smaller bed and the bathroom in the hallway.” Chase passes by him, luggage in hand, those dimples dancing as he smirks at his brother.

“We need to have a conversation,” I whisper to Carter when Chase is out of earshot. He just gives me a mischievous grin before heading over to where he dropped his luggage, picking it up.

Just as he’s about to head toward the direction of the bedrooms, he stops in front of me, his voice soft. “You’re going to have to be the initiator. Just know if you fucking hurt him, I’ll break your neck.” He punches me in my shoulder and heads off down the hallway, entering the first room on the right and closing the door behind him.

I do a mental fist pump. Carter’s words let me know I need to be more aggressive in my advances on Chase, but not so much that I scare him away. I head down the hallway to the master suite, which I get to share with the man I’ve had a crush on since puberty.

Back then, being attracted to both boys and girls, I didn’t understand my feelings. I hid them for men until a drunken night during our senior year of high school, when I confided in the twins. They had been my best friends since third grade when I moved to town and met two scrawny look-alikes on the playground, and it was still hard to tell them. But they accepted it with open minds and no judgment.

I can’t explain why Chase is the only one I’m attracted to when they’re identical twins, but I think it’s his brain that draws me in. I have a weak spot for a brainiac and hopefully, by the end of this trip, I can convince him to be mine.

Walking into the bedroom, I stop dead in my tracks. The sight before me is breathtaking and I have to fight the hard-on that's begging to break free. Chase is standing with his back to me, shirtless and in his boxers.

Fuck! His body rivals Michelangelo’s statue of David!

A huge eagle covers his back, its wings extending from shoulder to shoulder. Where Carter is free of all tattoos, they cover Chase, which is opposite the studious, shy nature he conveys. And fuck if it isn’t hot. His body is muscular, yet lean, which adds to his swiftness when he’s on the ice. His skin is light, but when we’re home in the south during the summer, he turns a delicious golden tan.

I must have made some type of noise because he quickly turns, facing me with a questioning look. My eyes drift down his chest to the beautiful trail of light brown hair that disappears below his boxers. It’s the only visible hair on his body.

Fuck, don’t let me scare him off or make him think I’m some type of creeper. But damn if my mind isn’t playing out a multitude of scenes where I come up behind him, sheathing my cock deep inside his ass as he screams out my name. In every dream I have of us together—and trust me, there's a lot—I’m top to his bottom.

“Umm… I’m going to grab a shower, then I’ll meet you guys in the living room,” he stutters, before picking up some clothes laid out on the bed and heading for the ensuite bathroom, closing the door behind him.

I wait until I hear the shower turn on before I move across the room and face-plant onto the bed. My cock is already hard just from seeing him in his boxers. How the fuck do I plan to sleep next to him and not wake up with a raging boner? I mean, I could always play it off as simply being morning wood. Every man has it. But will he believe it?