Page 19 of Love On the Ice

“Oh, well, I can’t ski or skate.” My voice comes out timid, trying my hardest to sell the lie. “But shopping sounds fun.”

“Okay, then we can ski on another day and we’ll shop instead. I still need to pick up a couple of presents,” Chase says, and I can’t help but notice the loving gaze he gives to Blake. These two really do care about each other. I’ve got a gut feeling they’re going to make it.

“Then what are we waiting on? Let’s go. We can grab something to eat while we’re out as well,” Blake announces as he stands, taking Chase’s hand in his and leads him out of the room.

“Hey, you said let’s go. If you’re about to have sex, then so am I,” Carter says, a devilish grin on his face, as I take my hand and smack him in the chest.

“Carter, seriously man, we’re just getting our shoes.” Blake gives him a smirk before pointing down to his feet, which are only in socks.

“Fine, you’re off the hook,” Carter replies as he shifts me slightly in his lap. I can feel the hardness of his cock pressing into my ass, and my face heats.

Blake turns to me, wearing a seductive grin, like he knows what’s happening. “Ginny, can Chase and I share you tonight?”

Holy fuck! Visions of being in the middle of the two of them as they worship my body flood my brain. It’s not the only thing flooding. I can feel the dampness of my panties against my pussy. And I’m sure I look like a deer caught in headlights as I try to compose myself.

“Blake, you’re scaring her,” a deep voice says. I know it’s not Blake, since it was directed at him.

“I’m sorry, Ginny. Did I rush in asking? I know other than our short make-out session earlier today, we haven’t really gotten a chance to get to know each other.”

Shaking my head, I pull myself together. “No, it’s okay, I was just thinking. I’d love to. But first I have to eat. I’m starving.” Actually, it’s for more than food, but my stomach is overriding my vagina at the moment.

“Okay then. Well, once we have our shoes on, then we can head out.” He stops and looks over at Carter. “You ready, man?”

“I am. My jacket and shoes are at the door,” Carter replies as he moves his free hand to my leg and squeezes it.

Angling my body toward him, he crushes his lips to mine, kissing me like a madman. His hand slides from my waist to my ass, gripping it tightly. A moan escapes my mouth, but he quickly captures it with his.

“God, Ginny, I want to fuck you!” his deep voice growls out.

“Then fuck me!” The words come out before I can stop them.

Carter stands, still holding me tightly as he moves over to the couch and lays me down. He climbs between my legs as I lift them, hooking them around his waist.

A throat clears behind us. “As much as the two of us are enjoying the show, it’s time to feed our feisty girl. She’s going to need a lot of energy for later. By the way, Carter, remember she’s with us tonight, so no trying to sneak her into your room,” Blake’s timber voice echoes out. My stomach chooses that moment to growl. Damn it, why did he have to mention food?

Carter climbs off of me, taking my hand in his, helping me to stand. “Well, looks like I snoozed on claiming you for the night. But I guess it’s only fair since I had you first. This will be continued, though.” He winks, and fuck if my pussy doesn’t clench, begging to have his cock inside of me.

“Okay, so let’s go eat and shop.” I start straightening my hair and clothes, feeling increasingly overwhelmed by the attention of the three men in the room.

Moving across the living room, I head straight for the front door, each of the guys stepping in line behind me. “I call shotgun,” I call out as I make a mad dash over to the SUV, being careful to not slip on the ice.

“I got the keys, so I’m driving. The Olsen twins get the back seat!” Blake shouts and I can’t help the laugh that bursts from me at the name he gave them.

Blake hits the car lock, and I open the door, climbing inside, already freezing. The twins climb into the back seat and Blake gets in behind the wheel. “So, what are we hungry for?”

“Something hot. It can be Italian, soup, or pizza,” I tell them, not caring at the moment.

“Oh, so you’re leaving it up to me?” he asks, giving me a wink.

“Oh hell no, you’re not taking us to some crazy ass, hole-in-the-wall place. Let’s hit up the pub on main street. We passed it coming into town. We can eat, get a beer, and then shop all at the same place,” Chase demands from the back seat and the whole SUV erupts in laughter.

Lunch was to die for. Chase made a great call with the restaurant recommendation. They had the most amazing beer battered chicken strips and bacon cheese fries. And if that wasn’t enough, they sold craft beer. I may have drunk a little too much, but it was quickly worked off with shopping.

Chase and I spent some time in the bookstore and I was surprised that we share a common interest in books. We even found some of our favorite indie writers tucked away on the shelves. Guess this little town does have some spice coursing through it.

When we finally made it back to the cabin, we all crashed on the couch and watched a marathon of Scream movies. Odd choice for the holidays, but I’m not complaining. I was nestled in between Chase and Blake. My head rested in Chase’s lap, while Blake held my feet in his as he gently rubbed his hands along my lower leg. Carter was sitting on the floor in front of me, his head resting against the couch as I ran my fingers through his hair. It was perfect. Comfortable. But sadness filled me, knowing it would be short-lived.

This magical holiday bubble would be bursting in a couple of weeks, maybe sooner. The four of us would be returning to our normal everyday lives. Well, as normal as my life can be, thanks to the constant pressure from my father reminding me I shouldn’t give up what I’ve worked so hard to achieve. Even when he knows it’s not what I want.