I’m annoyed with him, and I can’t explain why. I know he’s only spending time with Stella for the mission, but I can’t help the seething jealousy I feel every time I think of them together—of her hands pawing him, of his hands pawing at her. My mind is very creative.
When he grabbed me and sat me on his lap, I didn’t want to be there. I didn’t want him to see how I felt. When he whispered, “I’m sorry,” in my ear, though, I couldn’t help but sink into him.
He whispered that he was sorry Stella was being so aggressively antagonistic toward me. He said he wants to tell her to shut the fuck up, but for now, he has to hold his tongue. He promised he hasn’t done anything but kiss her a couple of times, and that he’s managed to use the fact that she wears a purity ring to not go any further. He also said he wishes he could blow her off, but until he gets the invite to the club, he has to keep up the charade.
It really didn’t help. I’ve become incredibly possessive of Maxwell Turner and feel stabby at even that small admission. Has he forgotten who I am? I could easily make the bitch disappear, and no one would know. Just a small cut in her brake line, and the next time she drives her car, it would be all over… or maybe I could make it look like she got a better job offer elsewhere and left town, then I could kill her and dispose of her. It would be ages before anyone noticed, or maybe her parents would care. They seem to be overbearing, or at least the mother is. Ted doesn’t seem to give a crap. I was worried for a moment that maybe Max wouldn’t actually get an invite to the sex club. What normal father would encourage his daughter’s boyfriend to cheat on her? Then again, he has no problem cheating on his wife, so I guess it’s not a problem.
“Mac.” Ry’s soft voice has me jumping, startling me from my thoughts. “We’re here,” he says, turning around to look at me with a small frown on his face. “Are you okay?” he asks, and I wave a hand before unstrapping my seat belt.
“Yeah, sorry, I was just thinking about some things. Thanks for the lift,” I reply as Ryland and Miller lean in and kiss each other. I avert my eyes, feeling like I’m intruding on something, and slide across the seat to climb out of the car, but Ryland’s hand shoots out and grabs me, stopping me from going any farther. He and Miller pull away, and there’s a sweet smile on their lips. Fuck, I envy these two. Knowing I have someone to come home to every night looks pretty fucking good right about now.
Miller slides out and shuts the door as Ryland turns his attention to me. His hand tightens on my arm, and he drags me forward before sliding his hand behind my head. He slowly brings my head close to his, giving me time to pull away, but I don’t. Despite my whirling emotions and my confusion over how I feel, I want to kiss him. I want to feel his lips on mine. I want to know how it feels to be kissed by this man. I turn to look at Miller, but Ryland’s hand tightens on the back of my head.
“Eyes on me, princess,” he mutters before taking my lips. He doesn’t fuck around. There’s no tentativeness. He dominates my mouth. His tongue demands a response from me, not allowing me to give more than my best. The pressure is perfect, and he nips and sucks and teases until I’m panting for more, then he pulls away.
“Good night, sweetheart.” He smirks and releases his hold.
I blink owlishly before getting my shit together. “Goodnight,” I mutter as I climb out and join Miller for the walk back to the house. Ryland doesn’t hang around, and the crunch of the tires on the gravel is almost deafening in the silence of the country air.
Miller and I are quiet as we walk back to the house. I guess neither of us are willing to talk about what happened. I want to, but Miller has been antagonistic toward me whenever we’ve been alone, and the peace is actually nice. If I bring up what happened, that might change. Alright, fine, yes, I’m a chicken, but feelings and emotional involvement are so new to me, and Miller is probably the one who has the potential to hurt me the most.
I’m about to go in the front door, but he grabs my hand and pulls me around to the tree that leads to his bedroom window. “What are you doing?” I hiss.
“There was a light on in the kitchen. I didn’t see James’s car, but it might be Martha. She knows the club closes at twelve on a Sunday, so we should technically be home by now.”
“But what if she checked our rooms already?” I ask him, and he shakes his head.
“I have a sensor set up in my room to tell me if she goes up the stairs. I haven’t had an alert on my phone. I’m guessing she’s waiting up for James, or she just got home herself. I could run over and put my hand on her car to feel if it’s hot or cold,” he explains noncombatively. I quickly nod, and he disappears around the house, hidden by the shadows as I wait patiently for him to return. When he’s not acting like an ass, he’s an asset to me.
He’s breathing slightly heavier when he returns. “The hood of her car was still hot, so it seems like maybe she just returned. We should get upstairs now before she comes to check.” He gestures for me to start climbing up the tree. I don’t argue with him and start my ascent. I can feel him directly behind me, and it doesn’t take me long before I climb through his window. I hold out my hand to steady him as he comes through after me. He slides the window closed then turns to face me. He must have left a lamp on before we left earlier, because his room is dimly lit. He’s looking at me with a quizzical expression on his face, but he doesn’t seem like he wants to talk.
“Well, okay, um… Bye.” I give a half-hearted wave as I back away. The tension between us is off the charts, and I have no idea what to say. I’ll probably just mess it up if I do attempt to say something, so I’m going to scurry away like a scared little mouse.
I don’t get very far, though, before he lunges at me, tackling me to his bed. A small yelp escapes my mouth, and he quickly shoves his hand over it, and we both look at the door, straining our ears to see if we can hear anything.
“Hopefully she didn’t hear that,” he says. “I’m going to remove my hand, okay?” He looks down at me, and I can see his gorgeous green eyes a little better now that we’re closer to the lamp. They are softer than I’ve seen them, and he is staring at me like he’s never seen me before. He reaches up and brushes a lock of hair off my face, frowning with pursed lips. I can see him thinking, but then it sort of just washes away and his lips curve up in a smirk.
“Do you remember what I said to you last night? After you got home from work?”
“What Ryland does to me, you get to do as well?” I repeat what he said to me when he pinned me against the wall last night. Crap, was that only last night? I feel like it was at least a week ago.
“Exactly.” He leans in and presses his lips against mine. Unlike Ryland, who was commanding and sure, he’s a little hesitant. He tentatively brushes his lips across mine before pulling away and looking at me closely. I think he might be checking to see if I’m alright, which is a big change, so I take the lead. I thread my fingers through his hair, which has fallen forward to frame his face, and guide his mouth back to mine. I slide my tongue across his lips, asking for entrance.
His whole body melts into mine as his mouth parts, and I slide my tongue along his. This kiss is everything! It’s soft and sensual and everything that is right with swapping saliva with someone. It doesn’t take long for him to get fully involved. I don’t think I’ve ever made out with someone like this before, just kissing on a bed in the dark like a teenager, and to think it’s with the most antagonistic member of Team Basilisk. I can’t get enough. There’s no removing clothes, just some over the clothes groping and grinding, and I feel like I’m actually making out with my high school boyfriend. It’s fun as fuck, but I also know one of us needs to put an end to this. Martha could come up at any moment and check that we’re in our beds, and we are so close to breaking this mission wide open.
Miller must come to the same conclusion as me, because he pulls away, resting his forehead against mine. “You should go,” he says breathlessly, and I get a thrill from it. I made this man breathless.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll see you in the morning?” I ask, and he smiles and nods before placing another quick kiss on my lips. He rolls to the side, adjusting his dick beneath his tight pants.
“Oh, and Kensington?” he calls as I roll off his bed and tiptoe across the room to the stairs. I stop and look back at him. He’s off the bed and has stripped off his shirt. All those beautiful tattoos are illuminated in the dull lighting. I just want to throw him back on the bed and trace all of them with my tongue as I discover what they all are. He tosses his shirt to the side and toes off his shoes, knowing exactly what he’s doing to me. I bite my lip as his hands go to his buckle, his lips turning up in a smirk. “I can’t wait to see what Ry does to you next.”
“You know you don’t need an excuse to kiss me, Miller,” I tell him, and he drops his pants, leaving him in a pair of tight, black boxers that I’ve become very familiar with.
“I know, but where’s the fun in that?” He climbs beneath his sheets.
“Well, I guess it goes both ways then. Whatever Ry does to you, I can do the same thing,” I argue, not wanting to leave.
“As you wish, princess.” He rolls so his back is to me, the infuriating asshole. He knows exactly what he’s doing to me and chuckles as I let out a little groan of frustration.