“I’ll take you home when you’re ready,” I tell Mac. “I’ll use Anders’s truck. No one will notice the difference since it’s dark. That way, he can put everyone else’s trackers in too.”
“Thanks, that would be great,” Mac says absently. I can tell she’s distracted by the circles my brother is running over her thigh with his thumb and whatever he is saying in her ear. She doesn’t look thrilled by whatever it is. I leave them be. If we’re going to be in a multiple person relationship, then we need to let everyone worry about their own connection.
When I get to the kitchen, Anders is already jabbing the numbing agent into Miller’s neck. He doesn’t have a lot of tattoo free space, and his neck is one place where Anders doesn’t have to cut through inked skin. I grab his hand and give it a squeeze. He looks up at me from his seat on the chair, and I can tell he has something he needs to talk to me about.
“How did tonight go?” I ask conversationally, looking between them. Anders tosses the numbing agent back into the tray on the table and picks up the scalpel.
“Good. Matthew got the footage he wanted,” Anders says without looking away as he cuts carefully into Miller’s skin. “Put those gloves on and dab at the blood for me so I can see what I’m doing,” he tells me, nodding at the box of gloves. Miller releases my hand, and I do as asked. He doesn’t have to cut too deeply, but it’s still a little messy.
“So he has blackmail material to make Mac do what he wants? That’s good,” I reply as I watch Anders open a sterile package and drop the small, square microchip onto the tray. He uses a pair of tweezers to pick it up and slide the chip into the incision in Miller’s neck. We don’t talk while he does it, because none of us want him to mess this up. This is a new technology that MITHOS developed in the last eighteen months, and we haven’t had a chance to have them inserted yet. The chip runs off the electrical impulses in the body or something. I have no clue how it works, but I bet Lathan does.
Anders puts in two stitches to close up the incision before taping some white gauze over it. “The stitches can come out in ten days, and Dayton can tattoo over it once they come out. I expect it’s going to hurt worse than normal, though, over the fresh scar tissue. I have more numbing agent if we need it.” He wraps up the mess in the surgical cloth before taking it over to the bin and pulling off his gloves. After, he returns to the table and sets out a fresh tray of equipment.
“Okay, you next.” He gestures for Miller to move from the chair, but I shake my head.
“I’m going to run Miller and Mac home in your truck. Do the others first, and then you can do me when I get back.”
“Okay, sure. I’ll catch you later,” he replies as he heads out to the conservatory to grab one of the others.
“I need to talk to you.” Miller grabs my hand and drags me up to my bedroom. I stumble a little on the stairs from surprise but allow him to lead me.
When we get there, I sit down on the bed while he paces back and forth, running his hands through his hair. What the hell has him so worked up?
“Anders and I spit roasted Mac while Matthew watched,” he blurts, and I feel my eyebrows jump in surprise. Well, this is surprising. I smother the smirk that wants to cross my lips as I feel blood start to fill my dick.
“Oh? Which end did you get?” I ask before adding, “Did you enjoy it?”
Miller stops pacing and turns to gape at me. “Which end did I get? Did I enjoy it?” he repeats before tugging at his hair with both hands. “That’s all you can say?”
I shrug. “Yeah. What did you want me to say?”
“Aren’t you in the least bit jealous?” he demands, and I sit up a little straighter.
“Do you want me to be? Do you want me to be angry like you are when I do something to her?” I retort. “Do you want me to get upset and punish you?” I watch as his eyes dilate, and I stand up so we’re chest to chest. “I don’t feel the need to punish you. I want you to want her. I want you to want the three of us together. I want you to have enjoyed it so that while you’re sitting across the dinner table in that house of horrors, all you can think about when her lips wrap around her fork is the way they felt wrapped around your dick.”
He blinks at me and shakes off the lust. “I don’t know what to do.” He almost sounds desperate, and I thread my hands through his hair, pulling his head to the side and biting his neck. He grows pliant under my ministrations, and I lick the bite mark.
“You have to give yourself permission to try, to give a fuck about someone other than us, our team, and Percy and Sadie. You also have to trust that she won’t betray you like your mother and every other person you put your trust in as a small child. It took me forever to break down your walls. Don’t punish Mac for your past, but if punishing you will somehow make this all better, then you better get down on your knees and show me exactly what she did to you.”
I push him down, and he goes without any struggle. Miller gets so stuck in his head that he needs me to take control, make decisions for him, and give him permission not to feel ashamed for enjoying sex. He’s come a long way, but sometimes, he still reverts to that broken young man that I met at spy school. It’s why he’s so good at honey trapping. He doesn’t let feeling or emotions get in the way. I never have to worry about him getting emotionally involved with anyone, though I can’t help but worry what it does to his psyche. Thankfully he doesn’t have to do it often, and this is the first mission in a while. I don’t think it will come down to either of them needing to sleep with random strangers if Max and I get the invite we’re hoping for.
He reaches up to undo the tie on my sweats. I showered when I got home because I knew he wouldn’t be staying to have one with me. I push them down my legs, and since I’m not wearing any underwear, my cock pops out, ready to be lavished with attention. I would love to hear him tell me about what Mac did to him, but he’s not going to be able to talk with his mouth full. That can wait for another time.
Miller’s hand wraps around my shaft, the callouses on his fingers creating a delicious roughness in his strokes as he leans in and licks the drop of precum from the eye. “Is that what Mac did for you?” I ask him as he runs his tongue around the ridge of the head as he cups one of my balls, rolling it on his palm. My ass flexes, and my toes curl as he slides it slightly into his mouth, hollowing his cheeks and sucking lightly. He’s teasing me, and I’m dying to shove it down his throat, but we have this little dance to play first. I let him think he’s in control, even if it’s for a moment, but I know what he really wants is for me to take all that control out of his hands and skull fuck him. I’ll do it, but I love the delightful tease of anticipation, both his and mine.
I groan as he slides me a little deeper, clenching my fists so I don’t grab his head—not yet, not until he has me all the way in, my cock in his throat and his nose pressed against my pelvis. I love feeling him swallow around my dick and how he struggles to breathe just for a moment. It’s such a rush, seeing him heaving for air, his eyes all foggy with lust and love. God, it feels incredible.
I’m just about to take control when there’s a knock on the door and Mac says, “Hey, are you guys ready? We need to get going.”
Miller pauses.
“Did I tell you to stop?” I say to him and flex my hips, encouraging him to keep going as I call out, “Come in.”
The door opens, and I watch with delight as Mac steps through, stopping suddenly when she sees Miller with my dick in his mouth.
“Oh, fuck. I’m sorry, I thought you said come in,” she stammers, but she can’t look away, and I don’t stop my small thrusts in and out of his mouth.
“You did. I hear that you had my boyfriend’s dick in your mouth. He was just showing me exactly what you did, but now that you’re here, you can show me yourself. I don’t like to be left out.” I nod my head at the space on the floor next to Miller and hold my breath. The anticipation is exquisite, and I almost come down Miller’s throat, but I grit my teeth as I watch her wrestle with a decision.