“We can’t go too far. If we take too long, the old guy will come looking for us,” Lathan warns as I reach for the handle.
“That’s okay, we’ll just make it look like we’re making out down here. I’m sure he will be thrilled.” I chuckle and turn the handle, pulling it toward us.
To be honest, I expected it to be boarded up behind the actual door, but instead, to my surprise, it’s open, and a rush of cold air hits me in the face. “Huh?”
“Not what you thought?” Lathan asks, and I shake my head.
“No, Ben was sure it was boarded up, so that’s what I was expecting. We know no one’s come through this way in a long time. It would have shown in the dust.”
“Not necessarily,” Lathan argues. “New dust could have covered old footprints.”
“Yeah, I guess. Come on, let’s have a little look.” Before we step into the tunnel, he gets the plank of wood that was barring the door and sticks it in the gap so the door doesn’t close fully.
The tunnel is dark, and the small spot of light from Lathan’s phone is enough to illuminate the floor in front of us. This tunnel is skinnier than the one from the ranger’s shack. There’s barely enough room for us to walk side by side. It also doesn’t go in a straight line.
The two of us are quiet as we make our way down it. Although I’m dying to ask him questions, I’m not sure if the noise will carry, and I don’t want anyone to hear us in case somebody else is down here.
I’m not certain how far we’ve gone when the tunnel opens up and splits, branching off in two directions.
“Crap, I’m not sure which direction we went in, so I have no clue where any of these lead to,” I whisper to Lathan.
“We need a compass. I think I have an app on my phone,” he whispers back, but before he can look, a sound down one of the tunnels has us freezing.
I strain my ears to listen. It’s voices, and sure enough, they are floating down the tunnel like I suspected they might.
Lathan grabs me by the hand and pulls me back into our tunnel. There’s a small alcove not far back, and we squish into that. Lathan’s body is pushed flush against mine, covering me completely, and his dark clothing hides my light-colored dress. He puts a hand over my mouth, and I roll my eyes. Like I’m going to talk? He flicks the light off on his phone, and we’re plunged into darkness.
Chapter 12
We wait, my heart pounding with adrenaline as the voices come closer to us. It sounds like two male voices. I shift slightly, trying to move Lathan off me so I can hear better, but he keeps me pressed against his body, his arms braced against the wall next to my head. The rustle of his clothes as he breathes makes it difficult for me to make out the conversation. I wriggle a little more, and he pins me harder as he presses his mouth against my ear.
“Stop moving. They are going to pass us any moment, and you’re making it tricky for me to concentrate,” he whispers, his voice husky and deep, sending a shiver of desire through my veins. I wriggle a little more, but the feeling of his hard cock against my ass has me pausing and inhaling sharply. “Exactly,” he hisses, but we fall silent as the voices get even closer.
“You’re lucky the boss didn’t kill you too. You jumped the gun, showing that asshole the tunnels.” The voices become clearer as they pass through where we were just standing. I don’t recognize it, but I do know the one who replies.
“Nah, he was cool. I’m pretty sure he would have been perfect, and if not, he would have had plenty of money to spend at the club. As a bored, rich child of a politician, he practically oozed corruption.” I can hear the sneer in Billy’s voice. I try to push Lathan out of the way so I can see who the other person is, but he keeps me trapped. He spins his body, still holding me in place, and reaches his hand around the corner and snaps a couple of photos on his phone.
“Where are we going to dump this asshole?” the other voice asks.
“We’ll take him out to the hot springs and weigh his body down. We can tell people he drowned after drinking too much. He disappeared after the party, after all,” Billy replies, his voice fading as they get farther away.
“And the bullet hole in his head?” the voice asks dryly, but the response is lost with the distance.
I push Lathan, hoping he will move, but he turns around to face me at the same time, and I end up knocking his phone out of his hand. It clatters to the floor. “Shit, sorry,” I whisper, hoping I didn’t smash his screen or anything.
“It’s okay, I have a cover on it, but stay still so you don’t step on it.” He crouches down and feels around in the dark. There isn’t a single bit of light to be seen, so I know he’s going to have trouble finding it. I hold my breath as I wait for him to locate it, but my impatience grows, and I start to step forward to help just as he goes to stand up.
“Found it,” he starts, but his head gets caught on the skirt of my dress, and his upward movement is impeded. A woosh of breath leaves my mouth as my bare pubic mound makes contact with his face, his hands coming up to steady himself on my calves so he doesn’t fall over with the impact.
“Mac,” he mumbles, and I bite my lip to stop myself from giggling. “Why aren’t you wearing any underwear?” Lathan’s voice is muffled, and his warm breath drifts across my pussy, making me shudder with anticipation, but I hold still.
“The pastor made me take them off?” I whisper as he breathes out another large breath that makes me want to moan, and he’s not even touching me.
He mutters a curse. “That bastard. I have a bullet with his name on it for that alone.” His hands caress my calves, and I can practically feel him warring with himself.
I pull my skirt back so he’s not suffocating under there and slide my hands into his hair, not wanting to force him to make a choice. He needs to do that himself, but I want to let him know I’m not opposed to anything that may be going through his mind at the moment. Hell, the same thing is running through mine. I’m dying for him to stick his tongue out and have a taste. Using my nails, I run my hands through his hair, and he shudders and takes a large inhale.
“God, you smell incredible,” he mutters, and I run my nails over the back of his head as he tentatively swipes his tongue through my folds. I don’t let him get away with that hesitant crap though. I want this, and I want it now, and I am fully on board with what he has in mind.