Page 23 of Spies Like Us

“I’m Benjamin Butterworth, but you can just call me Ben, and what I mean is that there is an underbelly in this town that chews people like you up and spits them out. I am not talking about the Raging Scorpions.”

“What do you know?” I ask him as we stop in front of a bookcase.

“That to be young and pretty and alone in this town can be dangerous. You shouldn’t go anywhere by yourself. If you’re talking about the tunnels running under the town, what I know is that someone came and removed everything that mentioned the old tunnel system a few years back.”

Just like that, my hopes sink, and I’m back to square one. Of course they would have done what they could to erase any evidence of their wrongdoings.

Chapter 10


As I sit across the booth from Stella and Max, it’s all I can do to keep my face neutral. Stella was so sympathetic to the fact that our friend was missing. She assured us that Chief Thompson would find him well and safe.

“He probably just drank too much and ended up in some silly girl’s bed, or he’s sleeping off a hangover. Those parties can get pretty wild, you know,” she says indulgently. “I remember them from my high school years. The things that would happen used to make me blush.” She giggles.

“How was work last night?” Dayton asks me, changing the subject.

“Good. We had a new girl start, and she did well—not a drug addict like Meri and Sam and not timid like Carla. I think she’s going to be an asset. Matthew certainly seemed pleased with her.”

Stella practically hisses at me, and I blink in surprise. “That girl is nothing but a cheap whore. Did you see how slutty she looked? She propositioned Max, you know. I’ve been considering asking Matthew to let her go. She’s going to ruin the club’s reputation if she propositions the patrons. What if she uses it to solicit clients here in Summerville?”

“She propositioned you?” I ask, sounding surprised. Mac never said anything to me about that.

Max shakes his head and rolls his eyes. “No, she offered me a blow job shot, not an actual blow job. She said it was the drink special.”

I smother a chuckle, and I can see Dayton doing the same. They weren’t the drink special last night, but it’s fucking funny that she did it to piss Stella off.

“I bet she would have gotten down on her knees right there in front of everyone and sucked your dick if you had even shown an ounce of interest,” Stella sneers.

The waitress comes over to take our order, and it puts a stop to her tirade for the moment. Max asks Dayton how work is going, but Stella hisses and narrows her eyes, and we follow her gaze. Mac just walked in the door of the diner. Just when I thought we’d distracted Stella from the topic, she appears.

“I’m not sure how my aunt does it,” she mutters, her eyes narrowing as Mac walks up to the counter and places an order before slipping out the back, I’m assuming to use the bathrooms.

“What do you mean?” Dayton asks politely. He’s at least putting in an effort to keep up the charade. I can’t be bothered.

“Well, she keeps trying to make an effort to make those kids of hers into something, and we all know that’s never going to happen. Trash will always be trash, even with an education. I’m sure she will end up on the street, hooked on drugs and selling her body for her next fix. You see it happen all the time.”

“I don’t know about that. Mac seems like she has a good head on her shoulders,” Max says. “She’s certainly bright. Ry said she’s fluent in French.”

“I have no idea how. Didn’t you see the bruises on her face and hear the rumors going around the school? Brock told me they are all true, she has a record for solicitation. I bet her pimp beat her up.”

The server returns with our drinks, placing them in front of us. All of us but Stella use our manners and thank her. She seems frazzled, but it’s busy in here, so it’s understandable. Stella just ignores her. I already knew this woman was the kind of trash she keeps calling Mac, but that just adds one more mark against her. It hurts no one to be polite.

Mac returns, grabs her food, and leaves out the front. I’m assuming she’s heading to the library like she told us earlier.

“People are able to better themselves,” Dayton says gently, and Stella turns her attention back to us now that Mac is out of sight.

She smiles brilliantly. “Of course they can.” She reaches over and pats his hand. “Look at the two of you.” She gestures between me and Dayton, and I’m pretty sure the look of confusion on his face matches the one on mine.

“What do you mean?” I ask her, not sure where she’s going with this.

“Well, neither of you let the color of your skin or nationality hinder you in any way. Both of you have jobs, albeit neither of them are particularly secure, but you are actively working to better your circumstances,” she says condescendingly, and I just stare at her in shock.

The table is dead silent as the three of us try to process the racist drivel that just came from her mouth.

“Nope, I’m out of here.” I shake my head, sliding out of the booth to stand next to the table. “I can’t sit here any longer and listen to the shit that comes out of your mouth. I’ll see you later, Max. I have a meeting with Matthew. Please don’t bring her home to our house.” I say all of this calmly as Dayton also slides out of the booth.

“Yeah, I’ve got some work to catch up on at the parlor. See you later.” The two of us don’t wait for Max to respond. I feel a little guilty leaving him there with that woman, but that’s his cover to bear. He looks resigned but mutters, “Goodbye,” as I hear Stella whine, “What did I say?”