Page 44 of Jeepers Creepers

Chapter 12 Blair

That kiss.

It burned into my mind and branded me like a hot iron.

When his lips touched mine, I was done. Every thought in my head disappeared. I could onlyfeel. In every part of my body. I almost melted under his touch.

God. That man.

He was an outlaw. A biker. An alpha personality. Nothing like me.

But we just seemed to click.

When I stared into his eyes, everything felt right. After the attack and my meltdown, he soothed me. He approached with caution and gentleness, reassuring me that he wouldn’t let anyone hurt me again. I felt his sincerity and concern.

He was in my head, burrowing deeper into my heart, and I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

I never met anyone like Balen. No other guy I ever dated compared. The attraction played a considerable part, but it was also how he treated me, the respect, tenderness, and the way he didn’t hesitate to protect me without a thought about his own safety. Not that he needed to worry. I almost felt pity for anyone who tried to fuck with him.

The entire time he was in church, I kept losing focus, staring off into space like a lovesick teenager. Lark and Bianca noticed.

“So, you and Creature?” Lark asked.

“I like him.”

“Oh, honey, it’s mutual. That man has hearts in his eyes when he looks at you.”

Bianca giggled. “Hearts?”

“Watch him. The next time he enters the kitchen, he’ll go straight to her. She’s his entire focus.”

“I’ve seen it,” Bianca laughed. “They’re like magnets. Wherever she goes, he follows.”

I shook my head at their teasing.

It wasn’t long before Creature entered the kitchen and walked directly to me, giving me a kiss. I caught both of their smiles.

He wasn’t alone. Phyllis, the nurse from the ER who helped us, joined us.

I was preoccupied with Creature’s hand-holding man and the fluttering in my belly. His nearness and warmth distracted me.

I focused on Phyllis when she said she had a younger brother.

“What’s his name?”

“Roderick. Roderick Paul.”

I sucked in a breath.

Phyllis noticed. “Do you know him?”

“We’ve met a few times. He was at a party recently that I attended with my best friend. It was at The Venetian.”

Phyllis smiled. “Yes. He told me.” She reached into her purse and pulled out her cell. “Look. Rod sent me photos.”

A feeling of dread washed over me as I shifted my gaze from her to the pictures. I swiped through them until I found one with Bells. The time stamp was nearly three in the morning. Bells smiled at the camera with Mateo, Roderick, and Angel Mackenzie.