Page 41 of Jeepers Creepers

“I can talk to my dad,” I offered. “See what he thinks. Maybe there’s something from the past that we’re missing. A clue to help find who’s behind all this and how Mateo Ruiz is involved.”

“Smart. Do it. One of our new members is a tech expert. I’m bringing in Snapshot. He should arrive next week.”

“That doesn’t help us now,” Manic pointed out.

The door to the chapel opened and smacked against the wall. We turned, rising to our feet as Skel entered.

“You fuckers look cozy.”

Skeletor. My father’s oldest friend. “Good to see you, brother,” I greeted him as we hugged, and he slapped me on the back.

“You grew up, Creature. Look too much like your old man did at that age.”

I laughed. “I heard all he did was chase tail until he met my mother.”

Skel shook his head. “He was a pussy magnet. Crazy times, man.” He ticked his chin at Maddog. “Heard you needed the best, so I came.”

“Shit,” Maddog laughed. “You haven’t changed at all.”

“Never plan to either.”

Maddog gestured at Manic. “This is our S.A.A., Manic. He’s a tough fucker. You’ll like him.”

“I don’t doubt it.” Skel took a seat beside me as we all returned to our chairs.

Maddog filled him in on our discussion prior to his arrival.

“We gotta do some intel. We don’t have enough information to make a choice right now, and making the wrong one could take a brother’s life. I ain’t risking that.”

“Agreed,” Maddog answered, “but you’ve got the advantage. Whoever snuck in here knows what we all look like. My guess is we’ve been followed. They’ve got surveillance on us. We need to shut this shit down. Fast.”

“Let me take a crack at it,” Skel offered. “You’re right. I got the advantage. I can show my face around Vegas, and no one knows me or my agenda. I don’t have a cut yet, so I can blend in.”

“You don’t blend in anywhere,” I laughed, taking in his appearance. Skel’s numerous facial tattoos, including a spider and a blade pointing down his left cheek, were memorable. Same with the giant skeleton inked across his right arm from shoulder to wrist.

He grinned. “Only with the ladies.”

Guffaws erupted around the table.

“Let me do this, Maddog. You wanted me here. Let me prove I’m worth it.”

Maddog nodded. “Do it.”

He picked up the gavel and slammed it down. “Church is dismissed.”

I left first, reaching for my phone. I slid across the screen and dialed my dad’s number.

He picked up on the third ring. “Hey, Balen.”

“Hi, Dad. You free tonight?”

“Sure. No plans.”

“I wanna bring by my girl.”

He chuckled. “She a good cook?”

I laughed at that. “Not sure yet. I’ll bring dinner.”