Page 34 of Jeepers Creepers

I began rummaging around in the drawers below the sink, looking for a brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash. There was a new comb in a package with wide teeth, an old toothbrush I wouldn’t dare touch, a tube of toothpaste with a clean cap, and sealed mini bottles of mouthwash. Not bad.

I used my finger to brush my teeth—gross but oddly effective. When I rinsed with the mouthwash, I felt much better with a clean mouth. It took a long time to comb through the snarls in my hair, and I grew lightheaded, sitting on the closed toilet to finish the job. Once done, I dared another glance in the mirror.

Wow, I looked human again.

The hospital gown had to go though.

I walked back into the room, noticing the stack of clothes I had missed earlier. Someone was thoughtful and placed a change of clothes for me on top of one of the dressers. I pulled my bra out of the bag that Phyllis had given me with my belongings. I would need to wash it, but it didn’t stink. In the stack of clothes left for me, I found a package of bikini underwear.

It was crazy how something so insignificant could feel so huge at the right moment. Clean underwear. I could hug the person who provided it for me.

I ended up wearing black leggings, soft white socks, and a long black tee with a skull and the name of a metal band I didn’t know on the front that covered my bottom and ended mid-thigh. I had no clue where my shoes had gone since they weren’t in the bag. I still consider myself lucky to have these items. It was a hell of a boost for my self-esteem to feel clean and dressed. I was glad I had taken the time to shower in the morning before Creature visited me.

My stomach rumbled as I headed for the door, catching the tray that sat on the nightstand. The soup someone had provided was cold, but I found Tylenol and downed a bottle of water. I could heat the soup later, but I needed food. My stomach was trying to eat itself with all the growling.

I opened the door and entered a long hall. The floor looked dusty, old, and in desperate need of polish. The cream-colored walls were barren and populated with golden fleur de lis. Ghostly frames outlined in dirt could be seen on both sides of the hall as if dozens of pictures had been recently removed. Sconces lit the way to the stairs with amber-colored bulbs, which were too low to give adequate lighting but kept me from stumbling or bumping the walls.

Halfway down, a door opened. I didn’t know what I expected, certainly not the man who turned in my direction. He wore black from head to toe, a dark hoodie that covered his head, and a black rubbery mask. The freaky face stared back at me with bright neon white Xs for eyes and a horrid mouth lashed together with threads that gaped in a toothless grin.

When he lifted his hand, I caught a knife’s sharp, serrated edge as the blade glistened.

A scream tore from my lips as I spun and ran toward the room I had awakened in. My fingers fumbled for the knob, turning and yanking on it as pure terror seized my body when I heard a heavy breath behind me. I swung the door open and raced inside, pulling it shut as the masked man reached me.

He slashed through the air with the knife, nearly cutting across my arm. His blade collided with the doorway, and a chunk of the wood broke off. It fell to the ground as he stuck a boot in the way, preventing the door from shutting.

The blade lifted a second time and stabbed downward, nicking the back of my hand as I tried to block him. Bright red droplets of blood appeared, but I didn’t feel a thing. Adrenaline had kicked in, and I knew I’d gone into survival mode for the second time in a matter of days.

Why the fuck did everyone want to hurt me?

Okay, not Creature, but it seemed like the world was against me. My mind wasn’t capable of rational thought at that moment. I reacted, not thinking about the consequences.

When my attacker’s hand rose again, ready to plunge that knife into my body, I backed into the bed, reaching behind me for anything that could help fight him off. My fingers found the coffee mug full of tea. I lifted it and swung, smacking the porcelain cup into the side of his skull. The mug shattered. Sharp shards pierced my hand but also sliced into his hoodie. Blood dripped from his ear where I had partially severed it.

He shouted with fury. “You’re gonna die, bitch!”

My arms crossed in front of me as I fell back. I just wanted to protect myself, even if it was futile.

Two shots were fired from the doorway. The masked man grunted as his body collapsed over mine. I screamed, shoving him off as I scrambled away, fell off the bed, and scooted to the wall.

Oh, God.

The knife clattered to the floor as it slipped off the bed. Blood began to pool beneath him and soaked into the soft blanket that covered my body with warmth only minutes earlier. I wrapped my arms around my waist and tucked myself into the corner, trying to hide from the world. I didn’t want any part of it.

My gaze focused on those droplets of blood that dripped onto the floor. I watched the crimson color spread toward me, horrified it would stain everything in its path. A whimper left my throat. I couldn’t swallow the saliva that gathered inside.

Panicked, I choked as a cry left my lips.


I blinked.

“Blair, sweetheart, come back.”

Someone knelt in front of me and reached out, but I froze, screaming when warm skin touched mine.

“Let me try,” a soft voice offered.

“She’s fucking terrified,” a familiar male voice groaned.