Page 5 of Bark Or Bite

“Thank you all so much,” she said, shaking her head. Dex, Parker, and Jean noticed that Pork had said little to nothing, just staring at the woman.

“Hey, uh, Pork. Why don’t you take Katherine out to the animal center. By the time you’re done, it will be dinner. We’d love for you to stay,” said Dex, smirking at his friend.

“Oh,” she said, looking from one man to another, “no, I couldn’t impose. Besides, I live near Venetian Isles. I’d like to be home before dark tonight.”

“Venetian Isles? That’s pretty remote,” said Jean. “There can’t be more than fifty houses in that area.”

“No, I’m afraid there’s not, but my little house was left to me by my parents. It’s all mine, although it does need some work right now. I’ve been thinking about fixing it up and using it as a rental property. Maybe get myself something smaller in the city. Right now, it’s all I have, hanging by a thread on its wobbly stilts, avoiding floods and hurricanes the best she can.”

“I have a better idea,” said Parker. “We have cottages here that you could use while you have someone fix up your place. We know a general contractor that could help. Why don’t you take your time, visit the animal center, and get to know the dogs? Maybe one will strike your fancy. When you’re done, Pork will bring you to our cafeteria for dinner.”

“I don’t know.” She looked at the men, unsure of whether to accept.

“If you’re worried about clothing, we have a donation bin here that we can give you something. If you’re worried about security, we have that handled as well.” Katherine laughed, shaking her head.

“Gentlemen, the last thing in the world I’m worried about is security.” She turned, giving a small grin to Pork, turning that lovely shade of pink again. “Alright. If you’re certain it’s alright. I’d love to stay the evening.”

“Pork. That means you’re up, brother. Please take Katherine out to see the dogs.”

“May I use the ladies’ room before we go?” she asked.

“Absolutely. Second door on the right down the hallway.” She stood and left the room, Jean smiling at their friend the entire time.

“I hate you guys. I know what the fuck you’re trying to do, and I don’t need your help in the lady department,” whispered Pork.

“What are we doing? And ‘the lady department’? It’s not a fucking department store. So, what exactly are we doing?” asked Dex innocently. “The lady needs help. She needs a dog. It’s dinnertime, and she’s scared. You can tell. Put on your operative hat, Pork. She needs someone to protect her. You heard her. Those guys tried to hurt her.”

Pork stared at the three men, all trying desperately to look innocent. Finally, shaking his head, he stood to meet Katherine outside the restroom. Before leaving the room, he turned to his friends.

“I still hate you guys.” He started to walk away, then turned back. “But thanks.”


Katherine sat next to the handsome man in the cart, her hands folded in her lap. She never expected to see someone quite so good-looking. All of the private investigators she knew, albeit from television, were round and somewhat – greasy. This man was the furthest image of that. He was handsome. Almost suave. She could picture him in a dark suit and tie, walking into a boardroom and taking control.

“So, you live and work here?” she asked nervously.

“I do. We all do. We’re basically one large security and investigation firm, but many of us knew one another in our former lives.”

“Do you go to school for that? For security and investigation,” she asked unknowingly. Pork gave her a small grin, loving her innocence and nervousness.

“Actually, I’m a former Navy SEAL. Many of the men and women who live and work here were former members of the military, government agencies, or police departments. Most of the men were Special Forces.”

“Oh,” she said, blushing. “I’m terribly sorry. I had no idea.”

“No reason to be sorry,” smirked Pork. “We just don’t advertise it to everyone. We’d appreciate it if you didn’t either. It’s all for our own safety and that of our families.”

“Oh, I would never,” she said, shaking her head. “I know a bit about not wanting everyone to know what you do for a living.”

“Okay, now you have me intrigued,” chuckled Pork. “A beautiful woman comes in wanting to stop men who are harming dogs. My first guess was a teacher. But something about that didn’t feel right. Then it was a nurse, but I didn’t smell alcohol or disinfectant.” She laughed a beautiful, tinkling laughter.

“No, I’m afraid I’m none of those things. My occupation actually is what caused my divorce.” Pork stared at the woman, frowning.

“Stripper?” Katherine burst into laughter, shaking her head.

“First of all, thank you for thinking I could do that at my age. Secondly, you shouldn’t look so surprised,” she giggled. “No. I’m not a stripper, but you have to promise not to judge me.”

“No judgment at all. Everyone has their thing. What’s yours?”