Page 3 of Bark Or Bite

“I can’t thank you enough, Bear. Barney.” She shook their hands, and the young men waved at her. She could tell they were watching as she got in her car and pulled away. Feeling nervous, she checked her mirrors and didn’t see anyone. Looking at the piece of paper he’d given her, she followed the directions to the Gray Wolf offices.

“Alright, let’s see if someone can catch these guys.”

George stared at the filthy cages filled with puppies of every variety. They were shoved into small crates, three, four, sometimes five at a time.

“Seems a bit crowded,” said Teddy.

“Look, do you want a purebred dog or not?” asked the young man.

“We do, but we’d like them to be healthy, well-fed, and cared for. That doesn’t seem to be the case here.”

“Mister, if you want the perfect dog, you’re gonna have to pay the perfect price. I’m not here to impress you with my training skills for canines. I run a cheap, purebred dog farm. Now, do you want a fucking dog or not?”

“Watch your mouth, boy!” said George. “I might be old, but don’t underestimate me or my friends, and damn sure don’t disrespect me. You understand?”

The younger man stared at the three men, looking them up and down. He frowned for a moment, then nodded his head slowly.

“Good. How much for this cage?”

“The whole cage?” he asked.

“That’s what I said, didn’t I?” snapped George.

“Three hundred for all four,” said the younger man. “They’re all Dobermans. Ears ain’t clipped as you can see, neither is the tail, but you can get that done on your own.”

“What about heartworms, vaccinations, that kind of thing?” asked Sven.

“Again, I’m not a pet store where I’m gonna wrap the damn dogs in bows. If you want them, take them for three hundred. Otherwise, leave me alone.”

George wanted to snatch the hair off the boy’s head. Instead, he pulled out three hundred dollars and handed it to him.

“Load the cage in our truck,” said Teddy. The boy sighed, shaking his head, but finally gave in, lifting the cage. Urine and feces rolled out as he moved it, making the three men sick to their stomachs.

“Pleasure doin’ business with you,” said the young man.

“If we want more. Can we find you here?” asked George.

“I’ll be around,” smirked the man. “Reach out to me at that same number.” He walked away, laughing with two other men as they shook their heads. George stared at Teddy and Sven, frowning.

“I’ve never wanted to kill a man more than I do right now.”


“That’s everything we have this week,” said Ian. “George and Sven are out looking for more puppies to see where it might lead them. They’ve given us descriptions, but we can’t find anything concrete right now.”

“That reminds me,” said Pork, “there’s a lady coming to the office today to talk about the same problem. Name is Katherine, but that’s all I know.”

“You want to lead this, Pork?” asked Gaspar.

“I can, sure. A few others should sit in with me, though, just to make sure we get all the information. I’d say get Dex and Parker from the animal center and maybe Jean. If these are connected, we’ve got ourselves a widespread problem.”

“Agreed.” Code knocked on the door, poking his head inside.

“I put Katherine MacAfee in the smaller conference room. Nice lady, but she’s pretty upset over what happened to her. I guess she tried to get her money back, and the two men with the dogs tried to threaten her.”

“I’ll go in,” said Pork.

Although he’d told everyone that his nickname, Pork, was because of his love of bacon, that wasn’t the truth at all. Forrest Milner, a former SEAL with Kegger and Otto, was aptly named Pork for his thick appendage between his legs. His teammates said it reminded them of a pork loin. And just that simple, the name stuck.