Page 21 of Bark Or Bite

“He is, although I was afraid he was going to try and come between us last night. That would have earned him a sleep on the porch,” frowned Pork. Katherine laughed, rubbing the dog’s head.

“No, he’s just very protective. The way I see it, I now have two great protectors.” She kissed Forrest, then started toward the door. “I’m seeing a few patients this morning for Bree. I’m very excited about it. I’ll grab a muffin or something at the cafeteria.”

“Wait. How are you getting there?” Katherine smiled, pointing as she opened the door.

“I learned that there is a flotilla that leaves every morning with the women who work on the property. I’ll meet you this evening for dinner.” Pork nodded, smiling at her. She tilted her head, then stepped toward him.

“Forrest? I love you. I know it’s early, but I do love you, and I do want to be your wife. Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.”

Pork hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head.

“How did you know that I needed to hear that?” he said with a sigh.

“I’m a professional,” she said with a wink. “See you later.”

Pork could only laugh as Otto, Antoine, Baptiste, Sven, and George stepped onto the porch.

“You need more sleep or are you good?” smirked Antoine.

“Bite me, asshole,” he grinned. “I got just enough sleep, and it wouldn’t matter if I hadn’t. It was all worth it. Every damn minute of no sleep.”

“Good, we’ve got a lot to do today. Kegger is preoccupied with Morgan, something about what’s happening in El Paso, but the rest of us are going to spread out and check hospitals, clinics, shelters, anything and anywhere that might get us some information.”

“Teddy and Miller went to animal control to see if they’ve found any suspicious deaths of dogs or puppies. The rest of us will hit these,” said Baptiste. He handed everyone two sheets of paper listing the clinics and various businesses they were to visit.

“Pork, Otto, and me will hit the first sheet,” said Baptiste. “Antoine, Sven, and George will hit the second sheet.”

“Sounds good,” nodded Pork. “Hopefully, by the time we get back here tonight, we’ll have some good news.”

“Why do we have some registered kennels on here?” asked Sven.

“Lucy and the team had a thought that maybe it was a legit kennel that needed money. Showing prize dogs is seriously expensive, and unless you’ve had a winner at a big show, you’re probably just bleeding money. It might involve them.”

“That’s one more disturbing thing to add to the list,” frowned Otto.

“Never-ending, brother,” said Antoine. “Never-ending.”

“Blue Ribbon Ranch,” said Otto. “That’s not cocky at all.”

“Says here that they’ve been in the top ten of every major dog show in the last fifteen years. They primarily show Weimaraner and Beagle breeds. Hunting breeds only, I guess,” said Baptiste.

The grounds were stunningly beautiful. The green grasses and beautiful stables that held the kennels were like a luxury hotel for dogs. The three men stepped out of the SUV, watching as two men worked with one of the dogs, jogging circles, asking the dog to sit, then jogging again.

One of the men walked around the dog, touching his back, then touching his tail. The dog didn’t seem to mind, staring straight ahead. Three other dogs were watching, not moving, as if glued in place.

“Good morning,” said Baptiste.

“Good morning. I’m sorry, this is a private kennel. We’re in the process of training a dog for a show,” said the man.

“This won’t take long, and it has to do with dogs,” said Otto. “My name is Otto, and these are my friends Baptiste and Pork.”

“Pork?” frowned the second man aghast.

“Yes. Pork,” he growled.

“Of course. I’m Julian, and this is my partner, Sasha.”

“Julian and Sasha,” nodded Pork. He turned his head slightly to the left and whispered to Otto. “And they made fun of my name.”