Page 16 of Bark Or Bite

“Max? Will you gather some clean cages and help us carry them inside? Everyone needs to wear gloves and a coat. They could have something that transfers to humans.” He started to walk away, then stopped and turned back to Jamie. “Come on. Let’s see what you can do.”

The seniors watched as the team took the puppies, carefully getting them inside. Of the sixty-three puppies, five were already dead in the bed of the pickup truck. Sniff knew it wasn’t Jamie’s fault. The puppies were too far gone, born from a mother that was sick.

“What kind of monster does this to animals?” asked Ian, looking around at the carnage. “I’ve seen some sick fucking things in my day, but this might just take the cake.”

“We need to get an exact location of where he found those puppies and get out there,” said Nine.

“I have the location,” said Code. “Drones aren’t seeing anything because it’s so thick with trees. Lucy said the dogs were probably covered in ticks and other insect bites because of where they were.” Gaspar nodded.

“Alright, let’s head out and see what we can find. I’m in the mood to skin something. And it’s not an animal of the four-legged variety.”


The team worked non-stop for several hours, attempting to wash, dip, and clean the puppies as best they could. Lucy was correct. They were covered in fleas, ticks, and mosquito bites. Some had distemper, others appeared to have already contracted rabies, probably from exposure to other wildlife where they were kept.

As they looked around at the clean, well-kept kennels, the puppies, with their paws wrapped and bandaged, were sound asleep. Probably for the first time in their young lives, they were safe, warm, well-fed, and watered. The medications given to each were kicking in, and they were getting the treatment they needed.

Hopefully, with any luck, the rest would survive. Lucy and Dani would be conducting DNA testing on them to determine their breeds, then placing them for adoption in the correct way. Until then, they would ensure they were fed, watered, cared for, and loved.

Claire had organized cuddle sessions by creating a calendar of times and dates for members of the Belle Fleur family to assist in the sanctuary. Each day, the puppies would get playtime and love time until they were well enough to be adopted.

Sniff stared at Jamie as he helped to clean the triage rooms, scrubbing them and disposing of all the materials properly. He’d misjudged the young man.

“Jamie? I’m sorry about earlier. I was angry seeing the truck,” said Sniff.

“I get it,” he nodded. “No apology necessary, although I’m glad you didn’t shoot me. I kind of like being alive.”

“Me too,” he smirked. “Mama Irene would have had my head.”


“Never mind. What are you doing now if you’re not working for the state? Do you need a job?” asked Sniff.

“I’ve been working some part-time gigs at legitimate pet stores and helping a friend with his stables, mucking stalls and washing the horses. I haven’t found anything permanent yet.”

“Would you like to work here?” he asked.

Lucy and Dex raised their heads, staring at the man. He’d done a complete turnaround since first meeting Jamie. Sniff was smart. He recognized that the young man had a true passion for animals.

“Like, get paid to work here?” he frowned.

“That’s usually what employment entails. Working for us means a paycheck, benefits, holidays, and other benefits eventually.”

“I’d love that! You guys run an amazing facility here. My friend who owns the stables, Mr. Bouchon, he’s fostered some horses here with you. You guys are amazing.”

“Why didn’t you tell me that from the start?” frowned Sniff.

“You had a gun in my face!” Sniff chuckled, shaking his head.

“Fair enough. Listen, you understand animals, and you’re wired to protect them. We can always use the help here. As you can see, we’ve got quite a collection. Llamas and other exotics might not be your thing, but you could learn if you want.”

“Yes, sir! I’d love that, really!”

“Okay, well, for now, let’s just make sure the puppies are handled. Once we’re able to give them good homes, we can start working with some of the other animals. I’ll have Dani write up an employment contract with the pay details. Do you live far?” asked Sniff.

“No, sir. I live near Crown Point. Not far from here at all.”

“What do your folks do?” asked Sniff.