Page 14 of Bark Or Bite

“He’ll be booked and jailed. Seems Katherine had a restraining order against him. Smart girl. It was his third offense breaking it, so he’ll do time. We’ll have the tech boys keep an eye on him.”

“Thanks,” nodded Pork. “Let’s get the fuck out of here. If I don’t fuck this up, I’ll convince her to sell this place and move in with me permanently.”

“Brother, you can’t do that just because you feel protective. She’s got a home and business here.”

“I know that!” yelled Pork, turning to stare at his friend. Otto raised his hands, shaking his head. “I’m sorry. I know that. It’s not just about protecting her, and you know that. I’ll figure it out. Let’s get home and see if anything has come across on the prints or the cage.” Otto just nodded at his friend, grinning.

“Let’s get home.”


“They were all the same, Gaspar. Overwhelmed with animals, mostly dogs and cats, but many had been dropped off by people who were duped into buying what they believed were purebred dogs,” said Otto.

“Fucking hate people sometimes,” he growled.

“I can agree with that,” said Pork.

“Did you run into trouble?” asked Nine.

“Almost. Katherine’s ex-husband was hiding inside her bungalow with a knife. Had to call the sheriff. She was smart enough to place a restraining order on him. It was his third offense, so bye, bye birdie. He’s in the parish prison awaiting sentencing.”

“Does she know?” asked Gaspar.

“Sheriff called her to ask some questions while we were there. She confirmed everything and then we packed up as much as we could and brought it with us,” said Pork.

“So, we have a new resident,” grinned Ian.

“You guys are such assholes sometimes,” frowned Pork. “Yes. We have a new resident. A permanent one if I have my way. But back to the dogs. The puppies are living in filthy conditions, according to the vets. Whether they’re born into the conditions or placed in them doesn’t really matter. It’s killing them all the same.”

“Any word from Code on the drone footage?” asked Otto.

“Not yet, but we’re waiting for him to finish his review now. We met with the animal sanctuary this morning after hearing your ideas around mobile trucks for spay and neutering. We also asked them about providing food to some of these shelters to help out.”

“And?” asked Otto.

“And they think it’s a fucking fabulous idea. We’ve got four trucks ordered right now, and Lucy, Sniff, and Dani will be interviewing vet students who want real-world experience. As long as they’re in their final years, they can do a residency with us. They get experience. We’ll pay them a reasonable salary, and we can help folks who can’t afford to have their animals spayed and neutered.”

“That’s awesome,” smirked Pork. “We have to stop this madness, but we have to find these folks first.”

They heard someone running down the hallway and saw Code whiz past the door to the conference room, then a screeching of running shoes, and he ran backwards.

“There you are!” he said breathlessly.

“Here we are. Where we said we’d be,” grinned Ghost.

“Dex and Parker have a kid out at the shelter with a truckload of puppies.”

“A truckload?” frowned Nine.

“A fucking truckload! We need to get out there,” said Code.

The men ran to the boats to head to the main island, where there was one of the large ATVs waiting for them. Speeding past the gardens, Gaspar took note of his parents laughing, splashing their bare feet in the fountain.

“Like lovebirds in their twenties,” smirked Nine.

“Yeah, but I still need to ask them about what Katherine said. Something is definitely weird.”

“Brother, something is always weird with your folks, but I thought we all agreed we weren’t going to question it. I’m not sure we want to know the answers,” said Ian.