Page 135 of The Manny

While I don’t expect an answer, I get one anyway. His fingers attempt to tighten around mine again.

My heart jumps back into its rightful place, pounding a dubstep beat full of electricity and ecstasy. “Ha!” My lids are wide open, just like my mouth. “You can hear me?”

Movement again. It’s small, but unmistakable.

My tears of despair flip to elation. He can hear me, and better yet, he understands.

“I’m here, Manny,” I reassure. “I love you so much.”

I get a response of three tiny flexes around my fingers, telling me he loves me too.

Chapter 27

Narnia is Real


I yell for Vicky as I smash my thumb on the nurse call button. “Come quick! He’s responding!” Air whooshes out of my lungs, and my body vibrates with violent anticipation. “Open your eyes, love. It’s time to wake up.”

The flexing of his hand becomes more fervent, and I know he’s fighting his way back. A slew of nurses and Dr. Raj burst through the door. My lungs seize at the thought of letting go of Remi’s hand, but I give them room and zero in on the doctor’s assessments.

“His pupils are responding. Normal oxygen level. Blood pressure is stable,” Dr. Raj rattles off Remi’s vitals, and every word paints my world in a kaleidoscope of bright colors.

My hand presses against my mouth, and my heart feels like it’s breaking my ribs to escape. To flee to its home lying on the hospital bed.

“Remi,” I whisper, urging him to open his eyes.

“What’s going on?” Kiara runs in the room, breaking my focus.

I turn to give her a genuine grin. “He’s waking up. I was talking, and I felt something.” I swallow, my mouth dry. “It was Remi, trying to squeeze my hand.” Every bone in my body is trembling in excitement.

Kiara links her fingers around mine just as Cody walks in the room in a stupor. He drops the bags he had in his hands. “Kia?”

She reaches out to her husband, and we all stand in equal parts of hope and joy. With our hands linked, we form a semi-circle at the end of Remi’s bed.

“Let’s go, Remi. Wake up, kid,” Kiara encourages.

“Come on, dude. Your sister is a basket case. Do your boy a solid,” Cody hoots.

I squeeze Kiara’s fingers so tightly I’m surprised I’m not breaking her knuckles. Though hers are just as tense around mine.

There’s a frenzy of activity in the room, but I stand rooted, transfixed on the object of my affection, willing him to lift his lids. I watch on, waiting for Remi to wake up. Waiting for the sun to rise and warm this cold summer day.

Remi’s body jerks, and we all gasp in horror. Oh no, not another seizure, please.

“Relax. You’re intubated. Don’t try to pull it out,” Dr. Raj instructs as four nurses hold Remi’s limbs.

The organ behind my ribs is killing a drum solo. “He’s awake,” I gasp. “Remi!” The bubble of hope in my chest grows so big I’m afraid I might float away.

His body jerks again like he’s fighting a war, and nurse Vicky pulls us as close to his bedside as she can while letting the staff do their job. We all hold our breaths as we focus on the rapid movement of Remi’s pupils under his closed eyelids.

“Keep fighting. You’re almost there,” Kiara cheers her brother on, her cheeks red and her eyes glassy.

“I’ve got a cold IPA waiting for you, man,” Cody crows.

Kiara looks at her husband like he farted in church. He gives her a sheepish grin as if to say, what?.

I lick my lips and taste salt. “You can do it, Remi. Isabel is waiting for you.”