Page 63 of Restore Me

Yep, it’s definitely time to get out here. The mere mention of Eric’s name has Sloane’s hands shaking. I want to go to her, to rub her back and kiss the crown of her head until she steadies, but I can’t do any of those things right now.

Instead, I send up a silent prayer that the progress we made last night isn’t about to be undone by Eric’s twin sister standing here talking about how her brother would feel about us no longer wanting to rip each other’s heads off.

Not heads. Just clothes. Mal has no idea how well I’m getting along with her sister-in-law, and judging by the look on Sloane’s face she won’t ever find out, but that’s a problem for another day.

“Don’t mention it.”

I flash them both a smile and fish my keys out of my pocket as I head towards the door.

“Okay, I need all the details. How was your date?” Mal says just as my hand touches the doorknob. I resist the urge to linger, knowing that talking about her date with me around will only make Sloane more nervous.

“There’s not much to tell,” Sloane starts.

But I don’t hear the rest as I step out into the crisp morning air. It’s almost September, and eventually, there will be a slight chill in the air. The leaves will go from green to hues of orange and yellow. Subtle shifts in the world around us that will pale in comparison to the life-altering changes that happening in my life.

I allow myself a moment to let the events of last night and this morning sink into my skin, happy that for once acting on instinct and selfish need worked out in my favor. When I came here last night, I had no idea things would turn out like this. I was just driven by the need to see Sloane, to get her to accept my offer so I could have a plausible reason to be near her, a real chance to claim her in all the ways I promised myself I wouldn’t.

And she gave it to me.

I can’t do anything to stop the shit-eating grin stretching across my face as I climb into my car and pull out of her driveway. There’s a dangerous bubble of happiness swelling in my chest, giving me just enough hope to make it until tonight when I get to take Sloane out to dinner.





Eric’s fingers shake as he goes from fiddling with his bow tie to the lapels of his tuxedo, and I nudge him with my elbow to make him stop. We’ve been standing at the altar for almost fifteen minutes, and the waves of nervous energy floating off of him into the air around us are wreaking havoc on the ball of dread in the pit of my stomach.

I should be used to it now, after carrying it around for so fucking long, but today it feels extra heavy. Today the jealous, covetous poison sloshing around inside of me feels like enough to break open the floor and drag me down to the depths of hell where I deserve to be.

Because what kind of man stands beside his life-long best friend, his brother, knowing just twelve hours ago he was standing outside his future wife’s hotel suite with a truth that would destroy everything gathered on his tongue?

A fucked up, bastard of a man.

I don’t know how I pulled myself away from Sloane’s door but walking away from her— choosing to suffer so the two people I love more than anything can be happy together—was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. At least that’s what I thought at the moment, but standing here with Eric right now, I know the pain has only just begun.

“What’s taking so long?” Eric’s panicked eyes meet mine. “You don’t think she’s having second thoughts do you?”

I shake my head. “About you? Never. I’m sure it just took them a little longer than planned to get ready.”

“Right. You’re probably right.”

“I am. Now fix your face, you look like you’re the one having second thoughts.”

He laughs and turns his back to me. “Screw you.”

“I mean I’m open, but I’m pretty sure your wife wouldn’t be too happy about sharing you on her wedding day.”

Eric coughs to cover up the shocked laughter shaking his shoulders, and for the first time today, I smile a real smile. I even manage to keep it up when the doors fling open and the bridesmaids walk in, but the moment the bride’s processional starts it dies on my lips. One by one, the muscles in my body go slack and then turn rigid until I’m nothing but a living, breathing statue with stone features.

The door swings open again and everyone’s eyes land on the angel at the end of the aisle. My heart stutters to a stop. I was prepared to see her in white again, it is her wedding day after all, but nothing I imagined could have done the floral lace bodice hugging her torso or the full tulle skirt swirling around her legs justice. Her father has his arm linked in hers, and she’s already crying. The silent tears slipping down her cheeks make her look infinitely more beautiful as she stares at Eric the way she always does. With love, hope, and possibility dancing in the pools of hazel.

And not a fucking shadow, or single spark of the flame I thought matched mine, in sight.

It’s all the reminder I need to tuck away my feelings and slide on the mask I’ll be counting on to get me through the rest of my life. As soon as it clicks into place, I force myself to look anywhere but at Sloane as she closes in on the alter.