Page 143 of Restore Me

“And just like that, the moment is gone.”

“Get a move on, Sloane. We have to leave soon.”

“Fine,” I mutter as I slip out of my robe and into the dress. “I do appreciate it though, Mal. Not just the dress, but everything you’ve done over the last few weeks. I couldn’t have gotten through this without you.”

“I know, Sloane.” She sighs as she zips me up. “I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you. Besides this dress.”

I stare at myself in the mirror and realize she’s right. This dress is perfect, so much better than whatever I was going to pull out of my closet. Even though the color makes me think of Dom, I can’t help but love how the soft fabric hugs my curves and accentuates my waist. The corset makes my cleavage look amazing, and the two front slits in the skirt give the slightest peek of my bare legs underneath the tulle.

“Wear these.” Mal hands me a pair of simple diamond studs. “They’ll pull the whole look together.”

This is how she’s been all day, standing over me and making suggestions that are really orders. Telling me to go with a neutral color for my nails, and a softer look for my makeup, talking me into getting a halo braid so I wouldn’t spend the night fighting with my curls. I don’t think she’s ever been so opinionated about my appearance, but so far she hasn’t led me wrong, so I take the earrings and put them on.

Mal smiles like a proud mom when I’m done and helps me pick out a pair of heels before forcing me down the stairs, out the door, and to her car. Within minutes, we’re heading downtown towards La Grande Nuit, and I’m trying not to feel anxious about seeing Dom for the first time in weeks with the words from his messages in my head.

“He’s not going to be there.”

My gaze snaps to Mal’s face. “What?”

“Nic.” She says, cutting her eye at me. “He’s not coming to the opening.”

“Oh.” I try to keep the disappointment out of my voice. “I guess that’s for the best.”

Mal nods but doesn’t say anything as she pulls in front of the hotel. We both hop out, and I smooth my dress out while she gives the keys to the valet. Then she’s beside me and bumping me with her hip.


I slap on my best socialite smile. “Ready.”

* * *

The evening passes in a blur, and even though I know he’s not going to be there, I spend a good part of it looking for Dom and being heartbroken every time I don’t find his dark eyes somewhere in the crowd.

Despite her promise to stay by my side all night, Mal abandons me as soon as James pulls me into a conversation with a group of real estate investors looking to build some luxury condos a couple of blocks away from Twisted Sistas. While we chat about design and budget, she stands off to the side laughing with members of our team and texting on her phone.

By the time I manage to disentangle myself from the conversation, leaving the gentlemen with one of my business cards and a promise to schedule a meeting next week, I’m ready to go home. Celebrating the completion of the project that brought me and Dom together without him has taken all of my energy.

I find Mal in a corner still typing away on her phone and wonder if it’s Chris she’s talking to. When she sees me walking up, she slides her phone back into her clutch and gives me a soft smile.

“Time to go?”


She links her arm through mine and leads me back through the crowd, completely dismissing everyone trying to come up and chat, until we’re at the entrance. Right before we open the door, she slows down. “Alright, I don’t want you to be upset with me, but there’s someone outside who wants to speak to you.”

The moment the words hit the air, my heart starts to pound in my chest. Suddenly I understand why she was so adamant about my fashion choices today, she knew Dom was going to show up and wanted me to be looking my best.


She tugs on my arm, forcing me to look at her earnest expression. “Sloane, just listen to what he has to say okay. You guys have both been miserable for the last few weeks, and I’m tired of watching you pout. You love him. He loves you. Don’t let anything get in the way of that.”

“I don’t —”

“Don’t tell me, tell him.” Then she’s opening the door and shoving me out of it with a maniacal laugh. I stumble onto the sidewalk with a shocked gasp that turns into a full-blown yelp when I collide with the hard planes of the chest I’ve been dreaming of for weeks. A familiar set of warm hands go to my waist, steadying me in an instant.


The warmth of his tone lights a fire in my belly, and it only burns brighter when I look at him. He’s wearing a black-on-black tuxedo that somehow matches my dress and makes his eyes look impossibly darker. I bite my lip, feeling myself softening for him immediately. All of the ice around my heart finally melts away and leaves nothing but the love I’ve been trying not to feel for so long.