Page 90 of Restore Me

It takes me a second to process what he just said, but when I finally realize he’s referring to our conversation in the storage closet earlier today, I hum my agreement. Hearing that he can’t get enough of me makes me want to drag him into the backseat of this car and have my way with him, but I know that’s not going to happen.

“Well, once we get back to my place, you can have as much of me as you want.”

“Hmm. You’ve got yourself a deal, beautiful.” Dom stands and pulls me out of the car. “I’ll be right over after I stop by my place to check my mail and get some more clothes.”

“Are you sure it’s safe?” I wiggle my eyebrows to hide the actual worry I feel at the thought of Kristen popping up on him again, and he laughs.

“Yes, I got my key back the last time I was ambushed.” He reaches over and picks up the bag of food we dropped on the ground, inspecting the contents before setting it in my car.

“Still don’t know why you would give a woman with crazy eyes the keys to your house, but I’m going to let it slide for now.”

“You’re very gracious, angel. I’ll be sure to show you how much I appreciate it when I get back to the house.” He leads me around to the driver’s side and opens the door for me. As I climb inside, I feel his hand brush over the curve of my ass. “Have I told you how incredible you look in this dress today?”

“No, you didn’t.”

“Well let me say it now.” He plants both of his hands on the roof of the car and looks down at me. “You look incredible in that dress, Sloane, but I want it gone when I get back. I need you naked and waiting by the door with your pussy still soaking wet for me.”

A fresh wave of arousal pools in my core, and I squirm in my seat because the way he’s looking at me and the timbre of his voice as he issues another command I know I won’t hesitate to follow speaks to a part of me that only exists with him.

The part that feeds on his praise and thrives on his satisfaction.

The part that flourishes when he gives me mind-blowing orgasms and then makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world for having them.

“That won’t be a problem.”





I didn’t lie to Dom when I said being wet and ready for him wasn’t going to be an issue for me. When I pull into my driveway I’m more excited than I was when I left him standing in the parking lot with my taste still on his lips. I park my car and damn near sprint to my front door, ready to get into the house and strip out of my clothes for another amazing night in his arms, but my steps falter when I see a familiar form perched on my front step with her shoulders hunched and arms wrapped around her knees.

“Mal?” I run up to her and drop down to her level, catching her face in my hands. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

My heart is beating a mile a minute as I turn her face this way and that, checking for any signs that she’s been hurt. When I see there are only tears streaming down her face, I calm down but only by a little bit. My relief at seeing she isn’t physically hurt is quickly stomped out by white-hot rage at Chris. I told him to make this right. I warned him not to hurt her, but that’s exactly what he did. And now, he’s going to have to deal with me.

I pull her up from the steps and wrap my arms around her. “I’m going to kill him.”

Thankfully, she laughs through the tears she’s crying into my shoulder. The giggles just barely slip out between the soft sobs, but they’re there, and hearing them makes me feel marginally better about staying at the table with Dom while Chris went after her.

Dom! I need to text him and tell him not to come over.

“Mal, sweetie. Let’s go inside. I’ll warm up your leftovers and you can tell me exactly what the hell is going on with you and Chris.”

She doesn’t say a word as I unlock the door and scan the living room for any evidence of the man who’s practically moved into my house over the past few weeks. Luckily, Dom’s pretty clean, and there’s nothing downstairs that indicates his, or any man’s, presence in my home.

Mal plops down on the couch as I go to the kitchen and set the bag down. I pop her food in the microwave and pull out my phone to text Dom.

Sloane: Mal’s here. She’s in pretty bad shape and will probably stay the night. Tell Chris that I’m not in the habit of making empty threats.

I set the rest of the leftovers in the fridge and pull out a bottle of wine and two glasses. All the while, guilt blooms in my chest. Guilt over leaving Mal to deal with a man who broke her heart all on her own. Guilt over being kind of upset that she’s here because it means I have to sacrifice a night with Dom when our time is winding down. Guilt over wanting him so much. Guilt over falling in—

The microwave beeps at the same time my phone pings. Both of them pull me out of my thoughts and back into reality where my brain remembers that my guilty conscience won’t do anyone any good, but my actions will.

Dominic: Don’t worry about following through on your threat because I’m going to kill the fucker myself. I’m going to miss having you in my arms tonight.