Page 88 of Restore Me

Mal narrows her eyes, and I almost feel bad for Chris because there’s nothing even remotely welcoming about her right now. I certainly wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of this energy.

“Because it’s too late, Chris! The damage is done. It’s been done, and there’s nothing you can say to undo it, so just leave me alone.”

Chris shakes his head. “I can’t do that, princess.”

Mal shoots out of her seat. The movement is so sudden, it shakes the table a little. She tosses her purse over her shoulder as she fights back the tears shining in her eyes.

“Don’t call me that. Don’t call me that ever again.”

Then she’s storming out of the restaurant with the three of us shocked and staring after her. I throw my napkin on the table and start to get out of my seat, intent on going after her and making sure she’s okay, but Chris stops me with a gentle hand on my elbow. I feel the weight of Dom’s stare as soon as it lands on Chris’ hand. He’s not even trying to hide the possessiveness in his eyes. Chris catches it immediately and smiles at me as he removes his hand.

“Let me go after her, please.”

Everything in me says letting him follow Mal will end badly, but there’s an earnest and genuine need in his eyes that tugs on the part of me that wishes I would have gone after Eric the day he stormed out of our house. I don’t know if Chris loves Mal like I love Eric, but I can’t find it in my heart to get in the way of him trying to do the one thing I never got to do.

“Okay,” I say hesitantly, watching Chris shoot out of his seat. Before he steps away, I grab his arm and pin him with a hard stare that I’m sure makes me look like my mother. “Dom says you’re here to fix this, and I believe him right now, but if you’re not serious about making things right then just leave her alone. Because if you hurt her again, you’ll be dealing with me. Got it?”

Chris looks between me and Dom and then back at me again. An amused smirk curves his lips before he says, “Yes ma’am.”

When I release his arm, he wastes no time running out of the restaurant. Dom and I watch him look both ways before he decides to turn to the left. It’s a smart choice because Mal’s apartment is a few blocks away in that exact direction. I wonder if he knows that or if it’s just a desperate guess made by a desperate man.

Dom clears his throat, drawing my attention back to his handsome face. “Let’s get the check, angel. I want to take you home.”

“I’m worried about Mal. Maybe we should stop by her place and check on her.”

He frowns. “And walk in on another scene like that? I’d much rather spend the rest of my evening with your thighs around my…”

“Dominic!” I laugh, looking around to see if anyone heard the beginning of that very inappropriate sentence. “How can you be thinking about that when you know how upset Mal must be right now?”

“Because Mal is a grown woman, and she knows how to hold her own with Chris.”

He’s right. I know he is, but it doesn’t stop the sinking feeling in my chest. Even though I fought hard to keep Chris from this dinner tonight, I still feel like I betrayed Mal. Like somehow I’m still responsible for whatever pain she’s feeling right now.

“I hope you’re right.”

He waves the waitress over and hands her his card. “I am.”

“Okay.” I stand and smooth my dress down. “I’m going to the bathroom. Please don’t forget to box up my sushi.”

By the time I get back to the table, Dom has all of our food, including Mal’s abandoned teriyaki chicken and fried rice, boxed and in a bag. He hands me my purse and keys then puts his hand on the small of my back as we walk towards the doors. There’s a slight chill in the air as we step out onto the sidewalk.


Dom and I freeze, his hand still pressing firmly on my back as we turn towards the sound and find Ash Strickland standing a few feet away. He’s got a huge smile on his face that only gets wider as he moves forward and pulls me into a tight hug.

“Ash!” Panic slices through me as I try to relax into his hold. After a few awkward seconds, I pat him lightly on his shoulder and step back into Dom. His entire body is stiff as we collide, and I can feel the tension rolling off of him. “You remember Dominic right?”

“Yeah, of course.” Ash offers him his hand, and Dom shakes it firmly. “How are you, man?”


The one word is like a razor blade, cutting through the friendly smile on Ash’s face in a split second. Lord, he’s not even pretending to be nice. If I thought I could get away with it, I’d elbow him in the ribs.

“Ash, it’s nice to see you again!”

My voice is high and threaded with anxiety. I’m so ready for this evening to be over. First Chris crashed dinner and upset Mal. And now I’m standing in front of the man I lied to in order to get out of a date with the one who made that lie, and all the ones that have followed, feel more than worth it at my back.

“It’s nice to see you too. I’m sorry I haven’t called. Work has been busy and…”