Page 58 of Restore Me

“Mhmm.” I hum, delighted at the idea of having Dominic in my bed. “Maybe I can take care of this for you.” I palm his dick in my hand and squeeze lightly. Emboldened by the flare of heat in his eyes, I move my hand up and down, stroking him through the denim of his jeans.

“Sloane.” Dominic rasps, stilling the movement with his hand.

I blink up at him, confused. He’s been hard all night and has already forfeited his pleasure to tend to my needs. I would have never pegged him for a selfless lover, and I want—no need—to return the favor. Why would he stop me from doing that?

“Because,” Dominic says roughly, answering my unspoken question. “You’re fine right now, but the last thing I’m going to do is fuck this up by pushing you too hard tonight. I’m going to take you upstairs, put you in the shower, and then the bed—”

I frown. The idea of going to bed without him bothers me a lot more than it should at this early stage in our….whatever the hell this is. Dominic continues, reading me like a book. “Where you’re going to let me hold you in my arms until we both fall asleep.”

I’m not even disturbed by how easily he reads my expression. He’s spent more than a decade annoying the life out of me, and I know from experience that knowing how to push someone’s buttons comes with the ability to see right through them. To read their minds through facial expressions and body language alone. Dominic has that ability because he’s just addressed all of my concerns without me having to breathe a word. The thing he doesn’t realize is, I have the same set of skills, and they only apply to him.

Which is how I know that no matter what his mouth is saying, his body is telling a different story. Blown pupils. Tense shoulders. Raging hard-on that’s straining against the seam of his zipper. Molten eyes that blaze with lust for me. I bite my lip. Caught between the need to push him on this so I can show him how much I want him and the post-orgasmic exhaustion seeping into my bones.

Dominic leans down to kiss my lips just as a traitorous yawn tries to escape. I stifle it, but he still sees and kisses me anyway. “You’re tired, Sloane.”

I arch a brow. “I’m not that tired, Dominic.”

And I’m not. I can rally. I can splash some water on my face and give some pleasure to the man who has given me more than he could ever know. I can….Another yawn breaks free, and Dominic gives me a laugh that tells me I can take my ass to bed and enjoy some much-needed, but not truly deserved, post-coital cuddles.

“Sleep, angel. That’s the only thing happening in your bed tonight.”

Then he’s lifting me into his arms, cradling me to his chest as he heads up the stairs. When we hit the landing on the second floor, he heads straight for my closed bedroom door. He carries me across the threshold and into the adjoining bathroom before setting me on the double vanity. Before I can blink, he’s kneeling in front of me again. Pulling my heels off and massaging my feet one at a time. My head dips back.

“That feels nice.” I don’t mean for it to sound sexual, but it comes out as a moan.

Dominic’s gaze flicks to mine. “Behave.” He smacks my sole lightly before starting again, working out the tension with practiced movements that make me wonder where he learned the skill. Jealousy pricks at my skin like a thousand tiny needles at the thought of him doing this for someone else—namely a certain catty ex-girlfriend who doesn’t want to accept that things are over between them.

Don’t think about her right now. Feeling jealous of Dominic’s time with Kristen is ridiculous. When they were together, I was determined to be alone forever and the possibility of me with anyone—let alone Dominic—didn’t exist. And none of that would have changed if it wasn’t for that night at Club Noir.

“Alright, up you go.” He grasps my hands in his and tugs me off of the vanity so I’m standing in front of him.

Awfully bossy for a man on his knees.

“Isn’t the person on their knees usually the one taking orders?”

“Is that something you want, angel?” He cocks a brow at me while his hands are busy unhooking the straps of my garter belt. “Me on my knees, taking orders from you?”

The idea of bossing this impossible man around brings a smile to my face, but I don’t know how satisfying it would be in the moment. I would probably spend the whole time in my head, worrying about looking and sounding silly, instead of enjoying having him at my beck and call. I run my hand over his hair just because I can.

“One day, maybe. Right now, the only thing I truly want is for you to take your clothes off. You’ve seen every inch of me, and all I’ve seen of you are your forearms.”

My statement is punctuated by the removal of the last lace cuff around my thigh. Standing there fully naked, I arch a brow and Dominic smirks at me before standing up. He’s so tall. Without my heels, I feel small and feminine beside him. Without my clothes on, I feel exposed and vulnerable, especially when my nakedness forces me to acknowledge that he’s remained fully dressed.


Each time we’ve been together, I’ve been the one putting it all out there: losing it on his leg, baring myself to him as soon as he crossed my threshold, and dissolving into a puddle of mush every time he put his hands on me. All while he’s held it together. Managing to walk away with nothing, besides the few changes only I notice, on his person indicating his world has just been turned upside down by my existence. And it’s disconcerting.

Dominic lifts my chin, and I know from the moment our eyes meet that he sees it. All of my thoughts are on display for him. “Every time I touch you is a gift, Sloane. One I don’t know if I’m going to get to keep, which means I want to rush this more than anything. I want to dive headfirst into your eyes and never come up for air. I want to use every part of my body to bring pleasure to yours, but—” His eyes fall shut, a pained expression crossing his features before he schools them into something less devastating. “—last time I pushed you too far and scared you. Hell, I scared myself, and that can’t happen again. You need to be able to trust me, and if we do anything else tonight I’m not going to be able to control myself. You deserve more than that especially if this is the first time since…”

My head bobs up and down, letting him know I understand exactly what he means.

“It is. I haven’t wanted this with anyone else, although, a part of me wishes I could. That’s why I went out with Ash tonight, but I just…can’t.”

I finish lamely, ignoring the way Dominic’s eyes darken when I say Ash’s name. His hand goes to my nape, pulling me forward to meet his ardent mouth. He kisses me with a tenderness that’s the perfect answer to my confession. I wrap my arms around his neck, sliding my naked body against him and wishing his clothes would just disappear. Dominic palms both of my ass cheeks in his large hands and squeezes before breaking the kiss with a reluctant growl.

“Is that what you call slow?”

I just stare at him and lick my lips. I love that my taste is still on his tongue. He takes a step back, eyeing me like a wild animal who might attack at any moment, which, in all honesty, is exactly what I am.