Page 32 of Restore Me

Except she doesn’t feel like a stranger. She feels like home. She feels like the only person who has ever looked at me and known me in a single second. She feels like every dream I’ve ever had, every wish I’ve ever made, every oath I’ve ever sworn to keep all rolled up into one perfect being. All real, and all mine from the moment she sat her perfect ass on my lap and dared me to come and burn the world down with only her eyes.

Fuck the plan.

I curl my arm around her waist, pulling her deeper into me and inviting her to continue the conversation she started when she sat down and told me I looked like trouble. She smiles and tosses back the rest of her drink. “Well, are you?”

“Am I what?”


“That depends, angel.”

Shit. I didn’t mean to let the nickname slip. I don’t even know her real name, so it’s strange to already be giving her one. There’s something overly familiar and possessive in my tone that should scare us both, but I can only think about how right the word feels on my tongue and how pleased she looks because I said it.

She bites her lip. “On?”

“What kind of trouble you’re looking for.”

She leans forward and sets the empty cup on the window sill behind me. The movement causes her breasts to come dangerously close to brushing my cheek. I stay still, not wanting to startle her by nuzzling into the most inviting cleavage I’ve ever had the pleasure of being this close to. When she settles back into my hold, she sighs audibly and tilts her head back to look up at the stars.

“This is going to sound weird, but there’s this girl who lives inside of me. She spends all of her time trying to be perfect and do everything right so everyone else can be happy with who she is, how she looks, and what she does. I’ve spent my whole life letting her drive the bus because I thought she knew what she was doing, but she doesn’t. She really fucking doesn’t.”

In some ways, this whole monologue does sound weird, but somehow it also doesn’t. I get what it’s like to push down all of your true thoughts and feelings so people only get the most palatable version of you. Going through your life and only showing one part of yourself to the world seems exhausting.

“And now you’re trying to make up for lost time by doing all the things she would never do.”

Her gaze snaps to mine. “Yes. Exactly.”

I consider her for a moment, trying to convince myself I’m not already caught up in her spell, like I won’t do, or be, whatever she asks me to. And it’s a waste of energy because I already know I will. I knew it the moment I saw her standing in the doorway over an hour ago. She was surrounded by a group of people coming into the party, but I could only see her.

My fingers flex, digging into the soft flesh at her side, and the fire in her eyes burns brighter.

“Why do you think I can help you with that?”

“I saw the way you looked at me when I walked in.”

“You and your friends walked right past me.”

She giggles and even the sound is heavenly. I want to soak it up, pull every note out of the air, and absorb it into my being. Jesus, this girl is already in my fucking blood. When she realizes I’m not amused, her lips push out into a faux pout.

“I’m sorry. They asked me to stay close until they tracked down the guys who invited us. Then they left me, and I came to find you because I knew you were the only person who could help me check the last two things off of my trouble list.”

“What’s on your trouble list?”

She shifts around and suddenly she’s straddling me. Those long arms looping around my neck and the hem of her dress riding up her thighs as she makes herself at home on top of the erection I’ve been dealing with since she walked out the back door and set her sights on me. Both of my hands come up and grip her waist; she smiles triumphantly at me.

“I can’t tell you until you say yes.”

I shake my head in disbelief. I don’t know if I’m more shocked by her audacity or the fact I’m considering saying yes even though I have no idea what she’s going to ask of me.

“Who are you?”

She bites her lip, and for the first time tonight, she doesn’t look so sure of herself. Her fingers ghost over the back of my neck, and my dick twitches. A small gasp leaves her lips, and I swallow the urge to capture the sound with my mouth.

“That’s such a loaded question. I think I’m going to need you to be more specific.”

My lips quirk as I fight back a smile. She’s such a smart ass. “Let’s start with something simple, like your name.”

“You call me angel.”