Page 24 of Restore Me

I swallow, realizing for the first time that my text, while well-intentioned, highlighted behavior he’s ashamed of. I can relate to that. Sometimes at work, I open my mouth and my mother comes out. Snarky, impatient, and unkind words slicing into my team when my patience is thin and time is precious.

Unlike my mother, I always apologize for my behavior, and I’ve started talking to Dr. Williams, my therapist, about better ways to handle those situations, but I always feel like shit for being anything like her.

“Dominic, I—”

He waves a dismissive hand at me. “Don’t. I’m starving. Let’s go eat.”

He pushes his door open and hops out without giving me a chance to respond. I grab my purse, so we can go over the notes I took during the meeting, and follow suit. Dominic waits for me then places the same hand he just used to dismiss me on the small of my back when I get to his side. Once again, I can’t help but note how comfortable he feels touching me today.

I look up at him. “You might be surprised to hear this, but I manage to walk, get into cars and hook seat belts all by myself daily.”

Dominic glances down at me as we cross the parking lot, confused by my random statement until I cast a pointed look at his arm snaking around my back.

“It might surprise you to hear this, but my mom didn’t raise me to be an asshole. And she would be very disappointed in me if I let someone as clumsy as you walk through a cobblestone parking lot in six-inch heels without any assistance.”

My heel chooses that exact moment to get caught between two stones. I wobble for half of a second before righting myself and being subjected to Dominic’s laughter. Even with his entire body shaking from manly chuckles that reverberate through me, he manages to slide his hand around to grip my waist in a secure hold.

I swat it away and spin out of his reach. “That could have happened to anyone.”

“Sure. If you keep this up though, I might have to start carrying you everywhere.”

Choosing not to dignify that with a response, I continue towards the entrance of Twisted Sistas. Dominic follows behind me, his silent smirk burning a hole into my back.

The bell on the door dings loudly when I pull it open, announcing our presence to the sisters and co-owners, Maya and Asia. They both shout a warm greeting and then go back to filling lunch orders for the handful of patrons who are scattered about the eclectic cafe.

Music plays softly from invisible speakers somewhere in the ceiling as I step up to the counter and read the specials for the day. Dominic’s presence is a steady thrum of awareness at my back. Once again, he’s crowding me out, taking up all of my personal space when he doesn’t have to. Warm breath caresses my neck as he leans down, putting his lips right at my ear.

“Tell me what’s good here.”

My brows fall together; his question makes no sense. He brought us here, so why wouldn’t he know what’s good? I turn around, intending to ask him exactly that, but he just stares at me like I’ve grown two heads.

“Everyone knows this is one of your favorite spots, Sloane, so tell me what you like.”

For the second time today, the man has stunned me into silence. I’m blushing at the innuendo my mind casts over his words when Maya skips over to us and smiles at me.

“Twice in one day, Sloane! You must be in love with one of us.”

A forced and awkward laugh springs free from my chest. Okay, so I do come here a lot. But that doesn’t make it common knowledge. Certainly not common enough for it to be on Dominic’s previously non-existent radar for me.

“Now, Maya, you know I took an oath never to fall in love again.”

She gives me a knowing look as she types her employee code into the tablet they use to ring up orders and process payments. Maya lost her husband almost five years ago to cancer. Like me, she swore off men and romance and focused all of her energy on starting a business with her baby sister. Now, they have three different locations sprinkled throughout the city.

It takes her a moment to register Dominic looming behind me, but when she does the widow solidarity look transforms into a where did you find him and are there more where he came from gape. I roll my eyes, maybe Maya has changed her stance.

“Right. Right.” She drags her eyes away from Dominic who’s completely oblivious to the woman gawking at him. “What can I get you two?”

When I look back at Dominic, he’s pulling his vibrating phone out of his pocket. I arch a questioning brow at him as he rejects the call with a tap of his finger and looks at me.

“Just get me whatever you’re having.”

I turn back to Maya. “Two chipotle chicken and avocado melts with water, please.”

“And a slice of your double chocolate cheesecake,” Dominic adds, reaching past me to hand Maya his card.

“Good choice.” Maya beams at him. “That happens to be Sloane’s favorite.”

I step to the side to give Dominic space to sign the receipt Maya is handing him. He makes short work of it, leaving a tip that’s well over the twenty percent I usually do, and hitting Maya with a heart-stopping smile.